the culture

The most unusual monuments of Omsk: “The Birth of Happiness”, “Lyubochka”, a monument to plumbing and many others

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The most unusual monuments of Omsk: “The Birth of Happiness”, “Lyubochka”, a monument to plumbing and many others
The most unusual monuments of Omsk: “The Birth of Happiness”, “Lyubochka”, a monument to plumbing and many others

When viewing official travel guides for many cities it becomes boring. These are usually long lists of ancient churches and buildings, monuments to the brave officers, politicians and soldiers who died during the Second World War. In fact, in almost every village, besides the “official” ones, there are informal sights. What are the most unusual monuments of Omsk? What should a tourist see first?

Plumber Stepanych and his fireman friend

There are a lot of street sculptures in Omsk. Some of them were installed relatively recently, but new monuments continue to appear on the streets of the city today. One of the most famous among them is a monument to plumbing. Omsk became famous throughout Russia due to such an unusual attraction. The monument is a plumber leaning out of the sewer hatch to the middle of the chest in working clothes and a helmet, who good-naturedly looks at the passers-by. The people immediately after the installation called him Stepanich, or Stepan. It is believed that if you occasionally treat this character with vodka and cigarettes, you will not have to wait for problems with the plumbing in your own home. It is also considered a good omen to just make a wish and stroke a monument to the plumbing.


Omsk is a city where other representatives of working professions are revered. On the fire tower in this city, you can see the figure of a fighter with fire, and in the very center of the city on the pedestrian part of the street there is a monument to the city control order.

The most romantic sculptures of Omsk

One of the most sentimental monuments of the city is Luba. On Lubinsky Prospekt you can see the majestically sad figure of a girl sitting on a bench with a straight back. This is Lyubov Fedorovna - the wife of the local governor Gustav von Gasford. The story of this young woman is tragic. Love was 30 years younger than her husband. She arrived in Omsk and almost immediately fell ill with consumption, and after some time she died. Contemporaries remembered her as a girl of incredible beauty.


Monument to Lyuba with good reason depicts an unhappy woman on a bench. The disease took all his strength, and Lyubov Fyodorovna was strolling - going out into the street and sitting on a bench, since it was hard for her to walk for a long time. An unusual and interesting monument is a sculptural image of a pair of storks in a nest with egg laying. This sculpture is the “Birth of Happiness”, especially loved by the newlyweds. As you might guess, the monument is dedicated to the family, near it often make wishes related to the birth of children.

Original creations of A. Kapralov

The sculptor A. Kapralov decorated the city of Omsk with several very unusual monuments at once. The style of this master is difficult to confuse with something else. His works surprise and amaze the imagination. If you start looking at these monuments close, you can notice that they look as if they were welded by a group of enthusiasts in the nearest garage from scrap metal. However, having appreciated all the small details and the general appearance of the composition, it is impossible not to recognize the genius of the sculptor. "Scales of Being" - one of the most ambitious works of the master in Omsk.


The complex and large composition symbolizes the inner struggle of each person between the material and the spiritual. This theme is continued by the “Communal Crucian carp” - the image of the fabulous “Miracle Jude” in a modern interpretation. On the back of large fish rise multi-storey buildings, stairs, antennas. Don Quixote is another work by A. Kapralov. The sculpture is striking in the combination of the forward-looking horse figure and the majestically calm horseman. All of these monuments in Omsk due to the original style of performance are considered the most unusual in the city.

The strangest sculptures

One of the most obscure monuments of the city is “Children Feeding Penguins”. It is worth noting that the sculpture appeared in Omsk in the 50s of the last century. Nevertheless, there is no exact information about what it is dedicated to. Original and unusual monuments of Omsk - a monument dedicated to clothespin and a miniature Eiffel Tower, installed on the banks of the Irtysh. Near a copy of the main attractions of Paris, you can also see a bronze train, which is especially popular with children.