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The most incredible stories of human life

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The most incredible stories of human life
The most incredible stories of human life

Video: 15 Incredible Human Survival Stories 2024, July

Video: 15 Incredible Human Survival Stories 2024, July

The world is infinitely amazing and diverse, because each person is fundamentally different from the other and has its own background. Each of us probably has in stock a couple of the most incredible stories that will be interesting to tell in the company. But in the lives of some, truly impressive events have occurred. That is why they are on the list of 10 most incredible stories.

Bone wars


The end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries was marked by such a phenomenon as “Jurassic fever”: scientists competed in the extraction of historical materials and knowledge about dinosaurs. Especially in this lesson, Gofoniil Marsh, paleontologist at the Peabody Museum of Yale University, and an employee of the Academy of Natural Sciences Edward Cope succeeded. Because of their success, scientists became sworn enemies: they always competed and strove to appropriate each other's finds for themselves. For years and decades, Marsh and Cope publicly humiliated each other in their scientific articles, accused each other of incompetence and money fraud. At the same time, both researchers reached great heights in paleontology and made a huge contribution to science: thanks to their work, classical representatives of the most ancient era were discovered - triceratops, apatosaurus, stegosaurus, diplodocus and many others. Scientists probably could have made many more amazing discoveries, but during one of the expeditions, Marsh sent his people to follow Cope. According to rumors, the "spies" actually blew up each other at the same time, fearing public disclosure. And so ended the century of two geniuses who were defeated by enmity … But their union could bring tremendous results, instead of becoming one of the most incredible stories of people that ended so sadly.


A man with two penises

This incident occurred in India, in New Delhi. Perhaps he can be christened the most incredible love story: a young man gave up his own penis for the sake of a wedding. However, the 24-year-old resident of Delhi lost a little, because he had a second. His case is considered unique and extremely rare, but still has a medical name - double phallus. This deviation was recorded only about 100 times in the history of medicine. As a rule, one of the organs in this case is underdeveloped, but in a guy from Delhi, both penises functioned perfectly and in fact were not inferior to each other either in size or in fullness. So a difficult choice, which of the phalluses to leave, and which to amputate, the young man gave the doctors. What you can’t do for the sake of a happy and normal sex life with your future wife. The young man chose to remain anonymous for the story, but according to rumors, the couple lives happily together to this day - perhaps such a strong love also deserves to be called one of the most incredible stories.

Chest like an airbag

You never know what your life decisions can lead to. One of the most incredible facts in history is: "high-quality silicone breasts can save lives." The 24-year-old girl from Sofia Elena Marinova is well aware of this. She never regretted the artificially enlarged breast, because once she saved her from a monstrous collision during a car accident. Her huge silicone bust worked like an airbag, protecting her vital organs from a significant blow. Of course, the prostheses could not be saved during a traffic accident, so after the accident, the breasts lost their sexual attractiveness and later had to redo everything, but in any case, Elena remained alive.

Maritime duty

The most incredible stories from life are often born on Foggy Albion. 30-year-old Paul Westlake once lost his wallet at sea during a night swim in England. All the cash and credit cards of the man were in the wallet, so the loss upset him a lot, but he could not even imagine how his things could return to him. A few days later, a fisherman phoned him, throwing nets in that area, and said that he had found Paul’s wallet in a claw from a lobster that got into the net. All the contents of the wallet were in place. After this incident, the fisherman said that although he had not eaten lobsters before, now he would completely refuse to try them - out of respect for this amazing occasion.

Hurricane Raymond


The most incredible life story happened with Tami Ashcraft and her fiancé Richard Sharp. As experienced mariners, they accepted an order to drive the yacht from San Diego to Tahiti, but did not expect to be in the midst of a four-point storm, which later received the name Raymond. The pair collided with 30-meter storm waves and wind, the speed of which exceeded 140 knots. While they were fighting the storm, the yacht still rolled over, and Tami was under deck. Having hit her head, the girl lost consciousness, but after 27 hours she woke up and was able to get out. Her fiancé was less fortunate: his safety cord was broken. But the big luck for Tami was that the boat rolled over back to its normal position. All equipment and supplies were destroyed. Tami built a sail and divided the miserable remnants of supplies for 40 days, during which she managed to reach her destination. The girl still conquers the sea, despite the tragedy experienced.

Surviving coc


Another marine story is rightfully considered one of the most incredible stories in the world. In 2003, Harrison Oken, who worked as a cook on a ship, happened to get into a terrible storm. The bottom of the vessel leaked, and very quickly the ship went to the bottom, while the cook himself was locked in one of the cabins, in which an air cushion formed. Harrison was locked up at a depth of 30 meters for three days until he was discovered by divers searching a wreck. Perhaps Coca was lucky twice: in the cabin he found a bottle of sweet carbonated drink, which helped him not to die of hunger and thirst while he was expecting at least some help.

Survive in the jungle


17-year-old Juliana told the world one of the most incredible stories of life that happened to her. In 1971, the girl flew on a plane when lightning suddenly fell into his wing. The plane crashed into the Peruvian jungle. For 9 days, the girl wandered alone in the rainforests full of wild animals and poisonous insects, until she miraculously came across a lumberjack camp. Her story formed the basis of the script of two films. By the way, the brave girl was not averted from nature by the terrifying adventure that happened to her: having matured, Juliana became a zoologist.

Living skeleton

In 2006, Australian shepherds were frightened by the appearance of a skeleton in their camp - at least, at first, it seemed to local workers. But this living skeleton turned out to be Ricky Mega. He told the shepherds the most incredible story in their life. Once, Ricky picked up a hitchhiker who did something with him, because of which Ricky lost consciousness. The last thing he managed to remember was the highway, after which he woke up in a bush when the dingo dogs were already getting closer to start eating him. For almost 3 months, Ricky Megi wandered around the bush alone, eating what he had to: insects, frogs, larvae, snakes. Ricky was incredibly lucky that it was the rainy season and he did not die from thirst and heat. During the wanderings, he lost weight from 105 to 48 kg, but survived by a miracle stumbling into residential settlements.

The oldest marathon runner


One of the most incredible stories tells of a Hindu named Fauja Singh, who mastered his first marathon when he was 89 years old. And after that, he did not stop his running classes. In 2011, Fauja got into the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest marathoner in the world when he mastered a full marathon - a distance of 42 km - exactly in its 100 years. At the moment, Singh is already 107 years old, and he continues to overcome 6-8 km every day and promises to run until his death.