
The world's largest wild boar: amazing stories about wild pigs

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The world's largest wild boar: amazing stories about wild pigs
The world's largest wild boar: amazing stories about wild pigs

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Almost every hunter dreams of making the largest wild boar in the world his prey. You must admit that such a trophy is not only a reason for pride, but also direct evidence that a person can overcome even the most formidable beast. However, do not forget that getting the carcass of such an animal will be very difficult.

For the most part, this is due to the fact that the largest dead boar in the world weighed about 500 kg. Therefore, in order to get the title of a new champion, you need to try hard and look for a larger copy of this beast. And yet there is always a chance, most importantly, not to give up and believe in yourself.


Wild boars in nature

So, the range of this animal is simply impressive. They can be found both in the snowy expanses of Siberia, and in the hot tropical jungle. It’s quite difficult to say exactly where the largest wild boar in the world lives. Photos of giant pigs are found in almost all countries of the world.

For example, in China there was a pig, nicknamed Chun-Chun, weighing just over 900 kg, however, they raised it at home. But there are similar giants in the wild, but they are not so common. Nevertheless, at the moment there are more than one hundred stories about how the lucky ones managed to see overgrown boars.

Wild boar as a hunting target

Start with the fact that a wild pig has always been considered a tidbit for hunters. Why is that? In fact, everything is quite simple. Firstly, this animal differs from other inhabitants of the forest in its enormous size, which, given the meat obtained, is a clear plus. And secondly, such a hunt is always fraught with a certain degree of risk, which cannot but excite the blood of the pursuers. In addition, the population of wild boars is very vast, which means that everyone can get their own game.


However, this is a very formidable beast. Because of his violent temper, he can attack the first comer, not to mention those situations when he has to fight for his own life. And in his arsenal there are two weapons: fangs and tremendous power. Even a small beast can easily cripple an adult, not to mention what the world's largest wild boar can do.

Therefore, before going to the forest, a person needs not only to dream of future mining, but also to remember his own safety. Otherwise, fortune can play a rather cruel joke and swap the hunter with the victim.

The largest wild boar in the world

And so we came to the most interesting, namely, to where exactly the giant boar was killed. But before you discover the whole truth, we will indent a little and talk about the previous record holders. After all, their victories were no less grandiose than that which is in the hands of the current leader.

So, you should start with the one who first decided to show everyone what the biggest boar in the world could be. This man's name was Eric Slezirak. It was this Frenchman in 1983 who decided to create a sculpture dedicated to a wild pig.

It took him 11 years to realize his dream, but it was worth it. As a result, he managed to mold a boar 9.5 m high and 11 m long, and this miraculous creation weighed 11 tons. And although it cannot be called a living creature, the fact remains that it is the largest wild boar in the world known to mankind.


The Story from The New York Times

In 2004, a well-known American newspaper published an article stating that a huge boar was shot dead by hunters from the state of Georgia. The most interesting thing in this story was that the wild pig was considered a monster, because it had very large fangs, and more precisely, their length was 70 cm.

Such a hunting trophy quickly glorified its owners all over the world. What is true, a little fly in the ointment with honey was planted by scientists who took DNA from this boar. Indeed, according to their data, it was not a purebred wild beast, but rather a cross between two species, one of which was an ordinary domestic pig.

Nevertheless, for a long time it was this miracle animal that possessed the title of the best hunting trophy from the category of wild boars. But soon something happened that fundamentally changed the current order of things.