
The shortest day of the year - time for a change of fate

The shortest day of the year - time for a change of fate
The shortest day of the year - time for a change of fate

Video: This is Stephen Hawking's Last Inspiring Message to Humanity | Goalcast 2024, June

Video: This is Stephen Hawking's Last Inspiring Message to Humanity | Goalcast 2024, June

Undoubtedly, each of us at least once, but was interested in the question of what is the shortest day of the year. The answer has long been known and does not require any evidence. This phenomenon in science is called the winter solstice. This is the time when the height of the sun at noon is minimal above the horizon.

The winter solstice occurs exclusively in the northern hemisphere of the planet


21, and sometimes December 22. The length of such a day is only five hours and another fifty-three minutes, after which it gradually begins to grow.

The shortest day of the year was noticed a very long time ago. It was on this day that the future harvest was judged: on the trees of hoarfrost - to be a rich crop. In Russia, on the solstice, a rather interesting ceremony was held. To bow to the king came a man who was responsible for the battle of the monastery hours. He informed the lord that from this moment the sun turns for the summer and, of course, the day is added and the duration of the night is reduced. For such good news, the king gave money.

When the ancient Slavs celebrated the shortest day of the year, they


celebrated the New Year according to the pagan rite. The main attribute of the celebration was a ritual bonfire that depicted the sun and invoked its light.

In ancient China, residents believed that on the shortest day of the year a new cycle begins. Therefore, this time was considered the happiest, it must have been celebrated. Emperors for conducting ceremonial and important rituals of sacrifice to Heaven traveled out of town, and ordinary people sacrificed to their ancestors.

Now, some people also take winter solstice seriously. On the shortest day of the year, it is advisable to limit yourself in communicating with unpleasant people, not to engage in everyday onerous affairs. It is best to devote this day to entertainment, to spend it with people dear to the heart in order to make relationships stronger.

Winter solstice is a natural New Year. The days that are before this period are the best for changing your destiny, rebirth. Our ancestors emphasized this time. It was believed that three days before and after the day of the solstice is a time charged with strong energy. It is on these days that it is necessary to free oneself from all that is unnecessary, old, useless in life, character, your home and even your soul. It is necessary to restore order, carry out a “purge” and make way for new important things, accomplishments that are sure to happen in the New Year.

After reading the article, you will not only learn what is the shortest day, but also what is important at this time to take in order to change your life.

Very important this sun day


to third awaken the sun and congratulate him on his new birth. It is impossible to find a more favorable period in order to make plans for the next year, make a wish and dream about a bright future. And thanks to the natural rhythms of mother nature, all this will gain special strength.

The main thing on this day is the understanding that a new round is beginning. This is an unusual day, and you cannot live it, like everyone else. If you put a little more effort into it, let your creativity manifest itself, then boundless happiness and joy of life will certainly appear in the soul.