
Satanovsky Evgeny Yanovich: biography, personal life, creativity

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Satanovsky Evgeny Yanovich: biography, personal life, creativity
Satanovsky Evgeny Yanovich: biography, personal life, creativity

In recent months, in television programs devoted to the analysis of events in the Middle East, very serious, smart and balanced words of one of the experts are increasingly heard. Such statements make viewers pay close attention to this person. This expert is Satanovsky Yevgeny Yanovich, whose biography is little known to modern Russians.

Consider the professional activities and personal life of this person in more detail.

Who is Satanovsky?

Today Satanovsky Evgeny Yanovich, whose books have gained popularity among readers, is a candidate of economic sciences, heads the Institute of the Middle East, is considered an experienced specialist in the political situation in the countries of the Near and Middle East, as well as Israel. For some time, Satanovsky headed the Russian Jewish Congress.


Of particular interest is his position on the situation in the East. The reasons for such public attention are active media appearances, as well as the fact that this region is currently a barrel of gunpowder that certain world forces are trying to blow up in the name of their interests.

short biography

Satanovsky Evgeny Yanovich lived a long life, his biography is proof of this.

Born in 1959 in a Jewish family. He himself was always proud of his origin, but he called himself a Russian Jew. In general, Satanovsky is one of those Jews who, appreciating the culture of the modern state of Israel, are in no hurry to permanently leave for their historical homeland, realizing that their lives there can be much more complicated than in the country in which they were born.

Evgeny Satanovsky studied well at school, graduated from the institute, and in 1980 received an engineering degree. After working at one of the factories, he took up entrepreneurial activity, in which he achieved certain successes - he had "grown" to the post of president of Ariel.

In 1999 he defended his thesis on economics. The topic of his research was the economic structure of Israeli society in the 90s.

Today he is an active teacher. Currently working at the Department of Judaics at Moscow State University, teaching geopolitics and economics, previously taught at MGIMO.


Personal life

Satanovsky does not like to spread about his personal life. His friends and colleagues say about him that he is a very good husband and father.

Evgeny Yanovich values ​​his family, as befits a person ethnically dating back to the ancient and child-loving Jewish culture. Evgeny Yanovich Satanovsky managed to do a lot in his life, his wife, whose name is Maria, always supported him in this.

The spouses have two children. It is also known that Satanovsky has a grandson.

A person entering the public sphere of the media, as a rule, is forced to disclose the secret of his personal life, to acquaint the audience with his family. But this is not Satanovsky Eugene Yanovich. His wife is not known to anyone. He doesn’t even publish their joint pictures - either for security reasons, or because of personal modesty.

By the way, many are interested: these are his genuine names - Satanovsky Evgeny Yanovich? A real surname is a common thing in scientific circles and politics (this is not pop music or cinema), and the scientist willingly shares the etymology of his generic name. It has Jewish origin, dating back to the Ukrainian town called Satanov. In Russia there were several famous carriers of this family name, and all of them belonged to the Jewish ethnic community and did a lot for the country in the field of art and science. However, let us return to the question of the relatives of the hero of our story.

Thus, the family of Satanovsky Eugene Yanovich is in the shadows, but he does not hide that this is his main treasure.

Scientific works

Satanovsky is a very serious scientist. His work is widely cited and respected. He often speaks at scientific conferences, congresses, gives public lectures that cause genuine interest of listeners.

First of all, he is an expert in the geopolitical situation of the state of Israel and its surrounding countries, actively studies the features of Judaism and Islam, considers issues of the mentality of the peoples of the East, understands the situations of relations between Russia and the West and their policies regarding the Middle East.

In fact, he considers the world geopolitical situation as a balance of power on a large chessboard, brilliantly determining what this or that political move will lead to.


His main works are devoted to the following:

  1. The situation in the Middle East as a result of the active intervention of Western countries and the creation of the “Arab spring”.

  2. Relations between Russia and the Middle East.

  3. Economic analysis of the current situation in the world.

  4. Questions about modern Israeli politics, the mentality of the Jewish people and the future that awaits this country, created in the last century.


Political Views

Often in his public speeches Evgeny Yanovich Satanovsky is harsh, his biography, however, allows him to find an excuse. He is a man of word and deed, so he is not used to flattering rhetorical devices.

His political views are reflected in numerous works. He believes that the situation in the Middle East is being warmed up artificially, with the goal of creating an insoluble tangle of contradictions and introducing humanity into a large and bloody world war. Here, economic interests are intertwined (after all, this region is a source of oil resources), religious (even Islam is not today a single religious denomination), political (associated with the attempt of some forces to establish themselves as a global dominant), etc.

Russia, according to Satanovsky, is better to build a line of defense and try to smooth out the passions that are boiling in the Middle East region.