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Family reading in the library: features, ideas and program

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Family reading in the library: features, ideas and program
Family reading in the library: features, ideas and program

Video: Laura Harvey at Library Futures Task Force HDV 1756 2024, July

Video: Laura Harvey at Library Futures Task Force HDV 1756 2024, July

It is with the family that the world begins for the child. Here he takes his first steps, pronounces the first words, gets acquainted with the first books. It is dad and mom who flip through pages with colorful pictures, drawings, learn to survive, be surprised, admire the first literary heroes, their fates and adventures. If parents and a child often pick up a book, then spiritual unity, peace and love reign in the family. The reading atmosphere should become a family tradition. After all, it is from a book that you can take food for the soul and heart. It is important that books do not simply turn into sources of information or entertainment, but play a general educational and cultural role.

Not only kindergarten teachers and literature teachers at school should instill a love of reading. At this very early stage in the development of the child, parents should do it. In order to reunite the efforts of parents and specialists, work is being carried out in many settlements in the family reading library. Librarians invite parents to various activities to increase children's interest in books. Well, we suggest you get acquainted with the objectives of joint lessons with parents, an approximate family reading program in the library, and expected results. Such a joint work of the library and parents can be called complex.

Reasons to Implement Family Reading in the Library

In the last decade, researchers have noted the formation of the following attitude towards reading in children and adults:

  • The number of children who read only the works of the school curriculum is increasing.
  • Every year, less and less youth spends free time reading literature.
  • The penetration of a preschool child in the culture of books is happening more slowly.
  • As children grow up, their interest in reading is weakening.
  • The reading culture of children and adolescents is influenced by popular culture, which leads to the popularity of detective stories, horrors, and novels based on television series.
  • Many children read only for fun.


The Importance of Family Reading in the School Library

Let's talk about the benefits. But first, find out what it is - family reading in the library? Events of the continuous psychological and pedagogical process of joint reading of children and parents with subsequent analysis, discussion - this is the concept of family reading. Analysis of the works can be oral, written, or play. Similar events were held during the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. Researchers found one entry on the papyrus of that period, where the father’s appeal to his son was written asking him to direct his heart to books.

In antiquity, family reading was also widely practiced. One of the Roman rulers wrote the History of Rome himself and studied it with his son. This practice was used both in the Middle Ages and in the Enlightenment. In the 19th century, reading in the family was common among noble families. Modern practice already combines home reading with library reading. Professional librarians invite their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters along with their children. A whole family reading program is being developed in the library. What is it for?

Recently, the role of reading in society has been lost, the prestige of education and knowledge is falling, young people are guided by non-book forms of culture. And from books general cultural, aesthetic, emotional needs are scooped. Youth literacy is falling every year, and the level of necessary reading and writing skills is also declining. Most children do not have an awareness of the value and importance of books, newspapers, magazines, electronic information. Therefore, reading in the family environment plays a special role. A jointly read story or story, its discussion makes family members closer, unites them spiritually. Unfortunately, fewer families are acquiring home libraries. Thus, illiterate parents grow up illiterate children. Raising children's reading is possible only in the tandem of schools, libraries and families.

Along with business, normative, educational, entertaining, self-educational reading, family reading has a special place. During this process, the child receives various skills and abilities, acquires the basis of reading culture. After all, the family is the first and main mediator between the book and the child. There, interest in the book is formed, a reader's taste develops. In Russia, the work of the family reading library has deep roots. It includes a comprehensive program, various forms of work with children and their parents. No wonder the program for family reading in the library is often called the "Warm House".

It is the family around the world that is regarded as a social value. Family relationships form the personality of a person. Employees of rural and village libraries know many families well and try to influence their relationships through a book. They become social educators, organizers of family reading in the library. In the school library, this is also possible. The motto of such an integrated approach to the study of books can be taken: "Let's create a country of readers!"


Significance Factors for Reading with Parents

Interest in the revival of family reading in the children's library has been growing lately. Reading is seen as a learning environment. Its significance has its own factors:

  • From childhood, tales are told to children, they read small biblical stories, then myths, poems about nature and animals. This is the most ancient and proven way of educating a person even before he learns the alphabet. Reader activity and culture are formed at listening and speaking.
  • Such reading helps to deepen children's attention, the formation of the need for books. If a child needs such a need from childhood, then he will read a lot in adulthood.
  • Family reading events in the library are the key to early and proper mastery of the native language. Early reading helps kids grow up as communicative people. After all, passive speech of children (silence) needs to be developed.
  • On the basis of books, an emotional and aesthetic perception of the world is formed. Sounding words strongly affect children, teach to triumph, rejoice, be sad, sad, joke, laugh. Words give children a vivid, emotional experience.
  • As a result of joint reading, the ability to perceive artistic images develops. Children include imagination, visual representations. They learn to rejoice and grieve with literary heroes.
  • Reading aloud is useful not only for babies, but also for older people. It is important not only to listen, but also to perceive and retell what has been read. For older people, such activities make it easier to transfer loneliness and pass on their experiences to children. Also, adults can thus observe the spiritual development of children.
  • Joint reading in the library helps the socialization of the younger generation. The ground is created for the exchange of views, emotional enrichment is taking place.
  • Such activities serve as an prevention of aging, stimulate active mental activity.

No wonder it is believed that the library is the territory of family reading. It is an alternative to all kinds of learning books. This practice was actively introduced by the Lomonosov family reading library (a town near St. Petersburg). The qualified staff of this library provide all possible assistance to families in the selection of books. There are many activities under this family program: various local history competitions, literary readings, and classes at the Unta teenage club.


Family Reading Library Services

What can a librarian offer as part of a family reading:

  • to select and give out information in books, magazines, newspapers, reference books, dictionaries;
  • organize evenings, exhibitions, meetings, contests, game programs;
  • individually inform one or another family;
  • review periodicals;
  • spend information days;
  • recommend a list of suitable literature;
  • conduct information culture lessons;
  • organize leisure during the school holidays;
  • provide independent work of users at the computer;
  • type and print texts.


The objectives of such events

What can be achieved as a result of such events in the library? Here are the goals librarians set for themselves:

  • to involve children and parents in joint reading;
  • to develop the creative abilities of children;
  • satisfy the information needs of people of different generations;
  • increase the spiritual and moral development of the family;
  • support family reading;
  • Orient members of relatives to joint communication during the study of books;
  • help to find mutual understanding and common interests;
  • increase reading efficiency.

Joint Reading Tasks

The target program for the development of a family reading library can focus on the following tasks:

  • study the informational needs of readers, analyze and develop relevant topics for information;
  • Orient senior to joint communication with the child in the reading process;
  • to promote the friendship of adults and children with the book, to seek mutual understanding;
  • improve pedagogical education, psychological and methodological preparedness of parents;
  • to develop the ability of independent thinking in children after reading;
  • help children and parents see reading as a means of interpersonal communication;
  • to develop the creative abilities of the young generation;
  • coordinate activities with schools and teachers;
  • use all active bibliographic forms and working methods;
  • learn and implement advanced library experiences.


Expected results

The correct selection of a family reading library and classes there gives the following results:

  • the prestige of the book in the eyes of the younger generation is increasing;
  • reading becomes a favorite pastime;
  • the library is respected and respected;
  • the love of reading is formed among the youngest visitors;
  • the traditions of family gatherings for favorite books are revived;
  • creative abilities of children develop.


Description of similar projects

Librarians have a serious task - to organize such classes with parents and children. It is necessary to create a comfortable atmosphere for such intellectual communication. To do this, the book fund must be equipped with highly artistic literature, where there will be books, periodicals, electronic publications.

The organization of the library space is very important today. A modern library should be diverse and diverse. It can organize "noisy" and "quiet" areas, open spaces and secluded places of rest. We need to think through every corner of the room, making it attractive to visitors.

The library space makes cozy not only modern design. It is important to think over and organize a fund interesting to the reader. The main thing is to correctly arrange the literature so that it can be freely approached. The most effective ways to attract readers' attention will be various actions, exhibitions, evenings, round tables. The image of the library will raise spectacular information.


Sample library lesson plan with parents and children

Thinking through a family reading program in a library is very important. We offer you monthly monthly planning of such events:

  • In January, you can hold three events: a lesson in family harmony, "Family Portraits, " a bibliographic quest, "In Search of a Country of Health, " and a lesson with the psychologist, "Do We Know Our Children".
  • In February, you can conduct an intellectual battle "Your word, scholars, " a large book fireworks "Journey into the world of new literature."
  • In March, it is appropriate to hold a reading conference "The most important word is family", and brainstorming "Expert in fiction."
  • April is the time for the dialogue-event “Keeping and Multiplying Traditions”, the exhibition of creative works “From Generation to Generation, We Pass on Wonderful Creations”, and the media review “CD to Help Learning”.
  • In May, you can hold a celebration of family reading "We are a family, which means we can cope with any task, " the discussion "Family reading is an outgoing tradition or an eternal value?".
  • In June, schoolchildren will be happy to take part in the "Read the whole family" action, in the gourmet evening of Pushkin's fairy tales "Stars shine in the blue sky."
  • In July, the competition and entertainment program "Our Family - Books of Friends" will be interesting.
  • In August, you can hold an exhibition of creative works "Mom, grandmother and I are a handmade family."
  • In September, you can bring to life the literary casket "Autumn Spinning in the Sky", the book exhibition and advice "Family Chitaymer".
  • In October, it is advisable to organize a photo collage for the Day of an elderly person "When the soul is in the pattern of time", a family game store "Super-grandmother."
  • In November, an event dedicated to Mother’s Day “The world is wonderful with maternal love”, a national culture festival “Nature in the works of Russian writers and poets”.
  • In December, you can organize a day of family communication in the library "I discover the world with a book", New Year's confetti "Fairy Snowfall".
