
How old is Kursk in 2015?

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How old is Kursk in 2015?
How old is Kursk in 2015?

Video: KURSK Official Trailer (2018) Colin Firth, Léa Seydoux, Submarine Movie HD 2024, June

Video: KURSK Official Trailer (2018) Colin Firth, Léa Seydoux, Submarine Movie HD 2024, June

How old is Kursk in 2015? It is not possible to establish the exact date of the pledge. The first mention of the city, scientists found in the Life of the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Theodosius of the Caves. This happened during the entry of land on the left bank of the Dnieper, where Kursk is located, into Kievan Rus under the leadership of Yaroslav the Wise. This period dates back to scientists no earlier than 1032. But in the Life of Kursk is referred to as a major trading city, which means that it was formed earlier. But so far, historians have not found any early mention of the city.

How old is Kursk

According to the first mention of the city of Kursk, he turned 983 in 2015. He was in the Chernigov, Novgorod-Siversky, Pereyaslavsky principalities and only in 1095 he was mentioned in the Lavrentievsky annals as the center of the specific Kursk principality.


His first prince is the son of Vladimir Monomakh Izyaslav. During his reign, a powerful fortress was built in the city, which for many centuries made the city an outpost on the border of the ancient Russian state Kievan Rus. In the XII century there was a center of military administration.

The entry of Kursk into the Grand Duchy of Moscow

How old is Kursk? As much as the Russian State, whose history is difficult to imagine without it. They are closely related. In the XIII century, he was twice ruined by the Mongol-Tatar hordes. From the middle of the 14th to the 15th centuries, during the civil strife, it was ruled by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1508, it is part of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

It was the most important border city of the Moscow principality, later the Russian state, with the Polish state and the Wild Field, preventing the raids on the Russian lands of wild nomadic tribes: Crimean Tatars, Nogais.


The rebirth of Kursk

At the beginning of the XVI century the city was ravaged by them. The second birth of Kursk happened a hundred years later. The place for the construction of the city was re-selected. These were two hills on the banks of the Tuskari River (one of the largest tributaries of the Seim River, which flows into the Desna), at the confluence of the Kura River, so modern Kursk was founded in 1586. If we consider how many years Kursk is from this date, then in 2015 he turned 429 years old.


After 10 years, a new powerful fortress is being built, because Kursk is still an outpost of Russia, which is the first to take the blow of enemies on itself. The garrison of the fortress in these years totaled 1.3 thousand people. Kursk was repeatedly attacked by Polish and Lithuanian detachments, raids by Nogais and Crimean Tatars, but he never bowed his head before the enemy.

The strategic importance of Kursk

How many years the city of Kursk exists, so much it is a warrior city, standing on the protection of Russian lands. It was simply necessary for Russia, since its strategic importance was enormous. The shortest way to the Crimea went through the city from Moscow. The road to Kiev passed through it. In other words, beyond Kursk there was a direct road to Moscow.

City development

Given its strategic importance, and to strengthen the fortress, residents of the city of Orel and other cities of southern Russia were transferred to Kursk. They were also founded as fortresses. The population of the city by the end of the XVII century was about 3 thousand people.


At this time, the Russian state was strengthening. The raids on the border areas have ceased. Peaceful life contributed to the rapid development of the city. Located at the intersection of trade routes, it grew rapidly. Initially, Kursk was included in the Kiev, and then in the Belgorod province. In 1779, Kursk governorship was created, the center of which became Kursk. How old is this event that preceded the formation of the Kursk province, and subsequently the region? In 2015, she turned 236 years old.