women's issues

Slatshaming - what is it? A woman's sexual appearance is good or bad

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Slatshaming - what is it? A woman's sexual appearance is good or bad
Slatshaming - what is it? A woman's sexual appearance is good or bad

Manners of behavior and image have always been the first topics for discussion in society. In each generation, the criteria for ridicule are very different: starting with a bright appearance, ending with an inappropriate profession.


Common in the territory of the CIS countries is the condemnation and all kinds of ridicule of girls for their too loose or inappropriate behavior. A special term has even appeared among youth slang describing the disapproval of society, and it has a definition - slating.

The exact framework of “normality” does not exist, because often the phenomenon of the so-called double standards takes place. Unpleasant utterances addressed to themselves are encountered by ordinary girls, whose beauty or style does not correspond to the ideas of society.

Last morale police

At the beginning of the twentieth century, special units of sheriffs and their assistants were founded, who monitored the women's bathing suits. According to society, the fair sex should not wear open dresses.

Further, a ban was introduced on bathing persons of the same sex in the common territory. In Hawaii, wearing a swimsuit without a dress or cloak was not allowed at all. Having studied some of the laws of the past tense, we can assume that this is slating, albeit not in its significant manifestations.

What causes the disapproval of society

In order to understand the reasons for the indignation of others, you should listen to their requirements and judgments.

The main problem of public disapproval is the lack of solid soil and facts for labeling. Simply put, dislike is not always based on objective facts, more often on subjective ones. The list of what in no case can be made a decent girl is not limited and begins mainly with appearance or style. Labeling can be justified by too bright clothes, unnatural hair color, improper, according to society, makeup and even gait.


Is it worth talking about talking with men ?! After all, even if we are talking about a business meeting, you can easily get the stigma of a girl of easy virtue. In a society where a man remains the head (again, in the vastness of the CIS countries), the right to determine unthinkable standards for people of the opposite sex remains with him. Falling under the influence of society, girls also take on the condemnation of colleagues in the sex.

The psychological side of the issue: how labeling affects women's health

An excellent solution to the problem of persecution and moral stampede is the adoption and understanding of the essence of man. But before the time when people begin to be loyal to each other, more than one century will pass. Insulting women for their appearance does not affect their morale in the best way, and feelings and stress tend to accumulate.

From childhood, girls are forbidden to use their mother’s cosmetics bag, because "grow out of you do not understand what." Teenagers are condemned for open / insufficiently closed / "could be more modest" clothes. Girls are also often judged because of “wrong” toys or hobbies.

Few people think that it is possible to conduct conversations, if there is a significant reason for such, because all insults are deposited in the memory of the child and at a more mature age are reflected in his behavior and lifestyle. For example, a girl who was subjected to such ridicule at a school or institute may be subject to rape or harassment due to the fact that someone will consider her accessible, and she, in turn, has no right to refuse. Another manifestation of moral trauma is isolation. A person who has broken down under the influence of society can completely stop communicating with people of the opposite sex.


A striking example of slating is the conclusion about a woman’s sexual appearance - beautiful means dumb. Leaders who have a similar mindset may refuse to be hired for unexplained reasons.

Ways to deal with negative thinking

Naturally, not a day or even 10 years later, moralists and their associates will disappear from society. That is why you should protect your nervous system from their statements and opinions in general. It’s not easy to come to terms with the evil thoughts of offenders, but it’s quite possible to learn to accept other people.

Psychologists recommend starting with yourself. This means that for starters you should stop condemning the people around you. Yes, everyone does this. Stopping scrolling bad thoughts is difficult, but entirely possible. In order to quickly stop the negative statements in the direction of any person, one should think that no one is obliged to follow someone else's moral conclusions and imposed standards.


The next step to stop labeling is to understand yourself, because envy is the main annoying factor. While a woman torments herself with questions such as “why is it possible for someone, but I don’t”, negative thoughts will not leave her, and the number of offensive statements in the opposite direction will increase.

When the ill-fated term and its first manifestations appeared

Slut translates literally as “whore”. The first manifestations of this phenomenon are not dated. Widespread appeared during the comparison of the rights of women and men. And to condemn the "wrong" can not only offended men, but also colleagues on the floor.


Experts are sure that a mentally balanced person will not hang labels on ordinary girls because of the dissimilarity in the concept of a normal look.

Some of the countries are trying to fight detractors with loyal methods. One of these is the "lack of target." For example, in one of the American schools developed a number of requirements for graduation along, according to them, the dress should be:

  • Whole.

  • From dense fabric (not transparent).

  • With a closed back and without cuts.

  • With a small neckline.

  • Almost to the knee.

The main reasons for the resentment of others

Recently, the popularity of slating has been gaining momentum. What does this mean? Just that people do not have a completely healthy nervous system and too much free time. The main merits for obtaining such a label are situations when:

  • You are not a man.

  • Too openly dressed.

  • Dressed too modestly.

  • Start a relationship with anyone you want.

  • Do not start a relationship with someone who wants it.

  • Occupy a high position.

  • Got married.

  • Do not get married.

  • Someone reliable provided the information.

What social studies have shown

What is slatshing for modern society? A number of studies show that this term explains the behavior of an individual in comparison with the criteria of others. To get a new "title" it is enough to be hardworking, smart or sociable. Also, if an individual leaves the framework of laws that are not clear to anyone, it is also called an indecent word.

In addition to spoiled nerves, a non-standard girl hangs guilt. For example, if a maniac attacked a woman in beautiful clothes or with bright make-up, she was to blame. This opinion is hidden under the term “victimization”. This phenomenon, of course, affects society, because victims of violence are often afraid to turn to human rights bodies because part of the blame is transferred to them - the behavior of the woman.


Justifying the criminal in this way is like Ivan Krylov’s fable “The Wolf and the Lamb” - the wolf tried to justify its violence against the lamb, but then admitted: “You are to blame for the fact that I want to eat.”