
Laughing classmates and running away from home. What was Savva Kramarov in childhood and who were his parents

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Laughing classmates and running away from home. What was Savva Kramarov in childhood and who were his parents
Laughing classmates and running away from home. What was Savva Kramarov in childhood and who were his parents

This famous artist did not have the main roles, but he was still a popular favorite. Savely Kramarov did not have addictions, but the cause of death was an oncological disease, which always caused fear in the artist.

All his life, the domestic actor was looking for one single one, although he was the object of adoration for many women. In real life, Kramarov was very serious, but his on-screen characters made people laugh to tears.


The boy discovered a thickening of the eyelid of one eye. His parents once turned to doctors, but no one could help. From an early age, the squint of the future actor was striking, because of this he was teased at the school by “Slanting”.


The Russian artist was born in the fall of 1934 in Moscow. His family was prosperous. Dad is a well-known lawyer, mother is a housewife. His father was a kind and highly educated man who adored his wife and son.


When the boy was four years old, his father was arrested, he was sentenced to eight years. It was very difficult for the family to survive without a breadwinner. Mother could not get a job until she divorced her convicted spouse.

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Papa Savely Viktorovich practically did not remember. He saw him only once when his father was released at the end, and he came to the capital to see his relatives. But he was not allowed to stay in Moscow, and he returned to Biysk. There, dad Savely Kramarov was arrested and convicted again, he soon died.

Hard times

Savva remained an orphan at the age of sixteen. Mother is dead. The guy, still a high school student, was taken in the care of his uncle. Kramarov was a very difficult teenager. Savely did not want to study, he made his classmates laugh, and also ran away from lessons and fought.

The first time he hit a peer because he teased him “oblique”. But really peers respected Kramarov after he rushed right away to three. When the head of the class was frightened that Savelia would not be accepted into the Komsomol with inappropriate behavior and poor grades, he only rejoiced because he was afraid of the moment when he would have to tell the class his biography, and also that his dad was convicted.


The only outlet where the future actor felt happy was the cinema, where Savely Kramarov could stay for a long time, where he got thanks to his neighbor.

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The woman was the controller, and allowed the future actor to attend almost all sessions for free. Sitting in front of the screen, Savely did not take his eyes off him, as if he absorbed everything that was happening there. At such moments, the guy became different, there was a feeling of happiness that I wanted to extend for the rest of my life.


After school, Savely Viktorovich Kramarov tried to enter one of the Moscow theater institutes. But failed entrance exams. I had to take the documents to the forestry university.

During his studies, Kramarov earned money by unloading cars. In order to save money, the future artist always walked and did not use public transport.

At the end of the Forestry Higher Educational Institution in the late fifties, the future artist had to work in his specialty. But very soon Savely quit his job, to which the soul did not lie.
