
Sobolev Sergey: short biography, basic information

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Sobolev Sergey: short biography, basic information
Sobolev Sergey: short biography, basic information

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Video: A woman finds a suspicious, hollow wall in her home. | Stucco 2024, June

Recently, everyone who is not lazy has been talking about the peculiarities of Ukrainian politics and its figures. Among the enormous number of colorful and not too popular representatives and officials, there are people who nevertheless remain the most adequate against the backdrop of all the events taking place. One of them is deputy Sergei Sobolev. We will talk about his fate and the ups and downs of life in the article.


Birth and education

Sobolev Sergey was born on September 5, 1961 in the Ukrainian regional center - the city of Zaporozhye. His father's name is Vladislav Anatolevich. A man worked all his life at the Zaporizhzhya Aluminum Plant. Mother, Inna Nikolaevna, devoted her life to pediatrics, now she is a pensioner. The future politician studied in the same class as the now well-known Russian leader Sergei Glazyev, who today is the adviser to the President of Russia on economic issues.

In 1983, Sergey Vladislavovich successfully completed his studies at the Zaporizhzhya State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in history. In 1996, he received another diploma, but already at Kiev National University. T. G. Shevchenko in the direction of “jurisprudence”.

He spent two years in the military service of the Armed Forces of the USSR (1983-1985).


Labor activity

Back in 1978, the young man was an employee of the Zaporozhye defense enterprise Gamma. But after the transfer to the reserve from the army, Sobolev Sergey went to work in the Dnieper electrode plant in his hometown. From 1986 to 1990 He was a teacher of history at a teacher training college in Zaporozhye. Until the summer of 1990, he was a member of the CPSU.

Care for politics

In 1990, the first Ukrainian became a deputy. He went to parliament from the Khortitsky majority electoral district No. 184. In the legislative assembly of the country, he was the leader of a group of deputies called "Democratic Revival of Ukraine." He also served on the parliamentary committee for science and education.

In 1994, the leader again became the people's choice. This time he led the Reform group and was a member of the Committee on Legal Policy and Judicial Reform. In addition, Sobolev was entrusted with the post of deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada Control Commission, responsible for privatization. During this period, Sergey initiated an investigation into the work of the leaders of the Black Sea Shipping Company and the suspension of the Decree of the President of the country regarding government bonds, on the basis of which various property of Ukraine was planned to be pledged for debts to foreigners.

In the spring of 1998, Sobolev in the next parliamentary election was part of the party of Viktor Pynzenyk, which ultimately did not go to the Rada, as she did not overcome the mandatory four-percent barrier.


Transition to Orange

From the end of 1999 to April 2001, Sergei Sobolev worked as an adviser to the then Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko. Then in 2002 he again got into parliament on the lists of the Our Ukraine Party. In this convocation of the Rada, a certified historian was a member of the Counting Commission and the Committee on Legal Policy and Reforms of the Legal System.

Also, for six months in 2005, Sobolev was the permanent representative of the President of the country in the Verkhovna Rada.

In 2006, in the elections to the supreme legislative body of Ukraine, Sergey suffered a fiasco, but already in 2007 in the early elections he went there with the Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko. Almost immediately, he received the chair of the head of one of the subcommittees. In the spring of 2010, he was the main person of the opposition Cabinet of Ministers, which was really led by Yulia Vladimirovna.

In the 2012 elections, Sergei Sobolev went to parliament as a non-partisan person on the lists of the All-Ukrainian Association "Fatherland", where he was assigned the eighth number. He won the race for getting into power and again became a deputy. In the faction, he was entrusted with being the deputy head. Once again, he also joined the Legal Policy Committee. In addition to all this, an experienced politician became a member of the Ukrainian delegation to PACE.


In October 2014, deputy Sergei Sobolev, whose biography indicates his active life position, once again became the legislator of the country.

It is worth noting that it was the hero of the article who initiated the law on the occupation of Crimea, which was eventually adopted as amended. Also, the statesman contributed to the adoption of the law criminalizing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from fulfilling their official duties, as well as the commission of attacks on state institutions.