
Creation of CMEA. A bit of history

Creation of CMEA. A bit of history
Creation of CMEA. A bit of history

Video: Adolf Terschak (1832-1901) Etude 2024, July

Video: Adolf Terschak (1832-1901) Etude 2024, July

The governments of various states at different periods of history had a sufficient number of reasons that led to the unification of countries. In some years, this was a military confrontation (as, for example, in the case of the Entente at the dawn of the 20th century or the anti-Hitler coalition in its middle), in others it was the need for financial or political support (the CIS after the collapse of the USSR or the creation of CMEA - an economic mutual assistance union at the end 40s of the last century). Let us dwell in more detail on the last coalition voiced by us. Creation of CMEA. How it was.


To begin with, the destructive and large-scale consequences of World War II became the primary reason for creating such an economic association in 1949. The countries of Eastern and Western Europe suffered incredible human and economic losses during this global military conflict. It would be more accurate to even say that the financial sector of these states was completely destroyed. Recovery was required not only by industry, but also by the residential sector, as well as infrastructure, not to mention the population. Regular supplies of raw materials, equipment and, of course, food were needed. The formation of CMEA in 1949 was intended to help resolve these issues.

The countries included

The countries of socialist Europe became participants in the new community, namely: Romania, Bulgaria, the Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. A few months later, Albania joins them, and the next year the democratic part of Germany (GDR).


The creation of CMEA initially suggested that it would include only European states and the USSR. However, in 1962, at the next meeting, it was decided that other countries, which fully share and support the main goals of the association, may well be members of the union. Such a change in policy allowed the inclusion of the Mongolian People's Republic, Vietnam and Cuba. However, in 1961, Albania broke all agreements and ceased its participation in the union, due to a change in state position by the country's government.

Union activities

It is worth noting the following fact: despite the fact that the creation of CMEA was in 1949, this economic community began its vigorous activity only in the 60s. It was during these years that the leadership of the largest member state (USSR) decided to turn the association into a kind of socialist camp similar to the European Economic Union, which has a common market. In other words, a similarity has been created to the modern European Union. Since 1964, the CMEA countries have begun to actively interact in a large-scale system of bank settlements. All operations were carried out through IBEC (International Bank for Economic Cooperation), established in 1963. Seven years later, a new financial structure appeared. Its task was to issue long-term loans for the implementation of community plans. This organization is called the International Investment Bank.


The 70s were marked by a new stage - the creation of a CMEA program aimed at economic unification and interpenetration. She suggested the development of higher forms of state integration: investment, industrial cooperation, cooperation in the field of scientific and technological development. It was during this period that various international concerns and enterprises arose. By 1975, despite a noticeable lag behind their Western competitors, the CMEA countries had 1/3 of world industrial production. However, within the coalition, a tendency towards a capitalist path of market development was brewing. The USSR made attempts to join the new economic programs, but to no avail. The political situation of the 80s led to a change of government and state system in a number of participating countries (including the Soviet Union itself), which ultimately ended with the liquidation of the association on the initiative of its members. It cannot be said that the creation of CMEA allowed many European countries to revive the economy destroyed by the war and rise to a new level of economic development.