
The structure of society. The concept

The structure of society. The concept
The structure of society. The concept

Video: Social Structures 2024, July

Video: Social Structures 2024, July

The emergence, development and strengthening of social relations is the result of various interactions in society. Relations are presented in the form of comparatively stable and independent relations, forming between social groups and individuals.

The concepts of “structure of society” and “social system” in sociology have a fairly close relationship. A system is understood as a complex of phenomena and processes. They are in connections and relationships with each other and thus form a holistic object. As elements of the system, respectively, are processes and phenomena.

The social structure of society, the philosophy of which is multifaceted, is, meanwhile, part of the concept of “social system” and combines such components as “connections” and “composition”. By composition is understood a complex of elements. Through this complex, the structure of society is formed. The set of interconnections in the complex of elements forming the “composition” acts as a “connection”. The concept of "structure of society" contains, on the one hand, a combination of different types of communities that form the composition (complex) of system-forming components. On the other hand, the concept provides for the existence of connections between the available components, which, in turn, are different in the breadth of the distribution of their impact, the value in the properties that distinguish the structure of society, its philosophy at one or another stage of development.

A stable connection of components is characterized by an objective division into certain layers or groups. These groups differ in their attitude to the method of production, they are different in their position. The main components that the structure of society contains include professional, ethnic, class-like, class, socio-territorial, socio-demographic, professional, ethnic and other associations. Each of these elements has its own complex system, which, in turn, consists of subsystems and relationships. The structure of society expresses the features that are characteristic of certain relations within classes, demographic, cultural, professional and other groups. All the developing relations within these system components are determined by the role and the position that is inherent in each element in the entire system of emerging economic relations as a whole. The concentration of one aspect or another in any community is carried out in its mediations and relations with class and production relations in society.

As a result, a peculiar framework of the system of all social relations is formed - a complex of political, economic, civil institutions that participate in the organization of life. These institutions, on the one hand, form a certain network of regulatory requirements and role positions regarding specific participants in public relations. At the same time, on the other hand, they are very stable, specific methods for the development of individuals in groups.

The determination of the social structure should be carried out on the basis of the search for real actors involved in various social processes. Subjects may also be groups of different numbers, forming on various bases: the working class, youth, religious sect, and so on. Subjects, of course, can be individual citizens. From this point of view, the structure seems to be more or less stable ratio of layers and groups. The study of the diversity of existing social strata is carried out using the theory of social stratification.