
Spouses found a real treasure in their attic in an old shoe box

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Spouses found a real treasure in their attic in an old shoe box
Spouses found a real treasure in their attic in an old shoe box

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If you have old antiques or trinkets collecting dust that you intended to evaluate, now is the time to do it. One family in France accidentally found an old vase that had been lying in the attic of a house for decades.


What did the owners of the house find in their attic

It turned out that the find was dated to the 18th century and was made in China. Sotheby's, one of the world's oldest auction houses, sold a beautiful old imperial vase with deer for more than $ 25 million. For the French branch of Sotheby's, it was the highest price for one item in the history of the organization. It is believed that the vase lay in the attic since 1947, after the death of the uncle of the owner of the house. The vase was originally given to him by his own grandfathers and grandmothers, Sotheby's reports.


How the vase got into the auction house "Sotheby's"

“My colleague from Paris once received a phone call from a lady, and she informed him that she has this vase that has been in the attic for several decades and would like to appreciate it, ” said Nicholas Chow, chairman of Chinese art at Sotheby's, in the video provided by the auction house. Chow explained that the woman, not knowing that a vase costs a lot of money, put a rare item in a shoe box and covered it with some kind of newspaper for protection. I got on the train and went to Paris to appreciate the vase.

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Vase turned out to be a unique historical find

Nicholas Chow described it as one of the “finest, most dazzling” porcelain products. Assessing the subject, employees quickly noticed the official seal of Emperor Qianlong, which is considered one of the most powerful people in the world of the 18th century. Chow believes that the vase was made as a wedding gift. It is made in a unique onion shape, painted in various bright colors, including green, blue, yellow and purple. It is noteworthy that the vase has many images of animals and plants. On it you can see deer, birds and pine trees, there is an exquisite golden "embroidery" around the neck. Nine deer, five cranes and pines were symbols of health and longevity, while the original vase was created.


Statement by Sotheby's

“A unique vase is extremely rare: it is the only known example of its kind, it was produced in the workshops for the magnificent court of Emperor Quanlong (1735-1796), ” the Sotheby's said in a statement. “Famille Rose porcelain from that period is an extremely rare thing on the market But some specimens are currently housed at the National Palace Museum in Taipei and other museums around the world. These porcelain items were exemplars of the craftsmanship of people made especially for the emperor. They were made as single objects, sometimes pairs, but never produced in large quantities. Technology combined the new color palette with Western songs. The main advantage of such products was enamel. They were designed for luxury."
