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Bright holiday: 10 traditional Easter dishes from around the world

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Bright holiday: 10 traditional Easter dishes from around the world
Bright holiday: 10 traditional Easter dishes from around the world

Video: Top 10 Unique Easter Traditions Around The World 2024, June

Video: Top 10 Unique Easter Traditions Around The World 2024, June

Easter is celebrated with a special Sunday lunch with pleasant spring cakes, a lot of chocolate and colored eggs, as well as a variety of dishes. This is the perfect time to bake. Food plays an important role during the holidays. Offered traditional holiday recipes from around the world will help you create a menu for the festive table.

Meat and Bean Dishes

To the old Easter traditions adopted by the Jews, after they adopted Christianity, began to eat lamb for Easter. In France, fried lamb leg is seasoned with garlic and rosemary, and this dish is the basis of Easter dinner in combination with green beans.

A dish of ham and apple steak fried in a pan goes well with spicy mustard, being one of the most popular on the Easter table.


Fanesca - Ecuador or hearty soup is served only during Holy Week, a week before Easter. It contains a large number of different beans and vegetables, as a hint of the 12 apostles. It is also loaded with fillings such as fried bananas, peanuts, hard-boiled eggs and even empanadas. It all depends on the Amazon region.


Pudding and Creamy Dessert

In Mexico, it is customary to make bread pudding - a capirotado. It is served at the table during Good Friday and Easter. It is made at home, steeping bread in syrup from unrefined whole cane sugar - pilonchillo, with the addition of cinnamon and cloves. A handful of raisins, other dried fruits, cheese and even sweets are added to the dish.

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Many interpret this pudding symbolically, personifying bread as the body of Christ, syrup as blood, and all other seasonings - cloves, raisins, cinnamon sticks - as a cross.


In Russia, it is customary to prepare a creamy dessert similar to a cheesecake for Easter. To cook it, you need to mix the cottage cheese with egg yolks, butter, cream, yolks, vanilla. It is also necessary to add nutmeg, citrus zest, ricotta to enhance the taste. All this simple kneading is placed in the form of a trapezoid. Having taken out of the form, the ribs of the dessert are decorated with candied fruit or fresh fruit.

Goodies & Drinks

The Netherlands loves Advocaat, the “lawyer's drink, ” on holidays such as Easter and Christmas. It has a yellow color, as it is made from egg yolks, sugar and brandy. Vanilla and honey are added to it, condensed milk can be added. All this adds an extra flavor. Advocaat can be made thicker like custard or pudding, or mixed with sparkling lemonade and lime juice to make a cocktail called Snowball.


In the southeastern part of Brazil and Brazilian households, especially in São Paulo, a nut treat is being prepared. This is ground peanuts, to taste sugar and salt. You can add cassava flour. This delicacy is traditionally served during the Catholic festival - Festa Junina, which takes place in June.


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Bakery products

In Portugal, for the traditional Easter holiday, its own version of Easter bread is baked - Folar. It can be baked sweet or savory depending on the region. It bakes one or more hard-boiled eggs at the top of golden brown bread (without red dye). In northern Portugal, holiday bread is sometimes stuffed with meat, such as ham or local smoked pork sausage. Sweet Folar is a classic in Lisbon. It is seasoned with a small amount of anise, cinnamon or powdered sugar.


Butter buns, filled with raisins and covered with glaze on top, are served on Easter and on Good Friday around the world. To cover the buns, you can use cream cheese icing. This type of baking is common in Bermuda. Serve spicy buns with creamy lemon curd.

Butter rolls can be baked according to the vegan version, using dairy-free pasta and almond milk.


Oily shortbread cookies, consisting of dates, walnuts or pistachios, are made in the Middle East for Easter and for the major Muslim holiday Eid. The traditional recipe for this biscuit uses mukamanny groats and fruit makhlepi. Rose water adds a fragrant quality. Then the cookies are molded in a special wooden form, baked and sprinkled with powdered sugar.


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