
Scientists have proved that our weight is different at different times of the day - is it really so and what it depends on

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Scientists have proved that our weight is different at different times of the day - is it really so and what it depends on
Scientists have proved that our weight is different at different times of the day - is it really so and what it depends on

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A person’s weight changes throughout life. Various factors influence its changes: age, nutrition, bad habits, physical activity. Scientists have also proven that our weight changes throughout the day. Is this really so and what these changes depend on? Experts named some of the reasons for weight changes during the day and made interesting conclusions.

Calorie intake, diet

If you consume more calories than you burn, you gain weight; it can be difficult to reduce it. It is necessary to create a healthy and balanced menu and exercise regularly.


Weighing time

Doctors advise weighing in the morning before the first meal to get the most accurate value. However, during the day you will take food and, naturally, your weight will change, this is inevitable.

Weighing process

It is important to carry out the weighing process according to the rules. The flooring on which your scale is located must be hard. The balance must always be in the same place. You need to stand on the scales with both feet. Doctors recommend weighing without clothes and shoes, only in underwear. If these rules are not followed, the weight indicators will constantly change. The most accurate measurements are electronic scales. Mechanical devices require fine tuning.

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Physical exercise

Some athletes can lose 6% to 10% of their weight after one workout (mainly from sweat). Your results may not be so radical, but losing an extra kilogram is a doable task.


Health status

A disease can lead to a sudden change in weight. The same diabetes, heart failure, and even a cold can have unpleasant consequences. If you lose your appetite, your weight will decrease, but some diseases, on the contrary, provoke weight gain. If you notice a sudden change, consult your doctor.



Many pills can cause rapid weight loss, and some, on the contrary, provoke intensive weight gain (insulin, antidepressants, antihistamines, birth control and hormonal drugs, steroids and beta blockers). Always ask your doctor about the side effects of prescription drugs, even if they are dispensed without a prescription. It is important to remember that the reaction to various drugs is individual, it depends on the characteristics of the human body, therefore, in any situation, the advice of an experienced specialist is important.

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Excess fluid in the body

If you drink a lot of water and do not play sports - this is immediately reflected on the scale of weights, the weight increases. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon water. Excess fluid should be removed from the body in a timely manner. Drinking water can even help you lose weight if you replace it with sugary sodas.


Age of man

You may not notice a change in your weight of 30 or 40, but as you get older, many people gain weight, this may be due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, and health problems. Some people, on the contrary, lose weight because they lose their appetite, are depressed, or have various chronic diseases. If you notice too abrupt weight gain or loss, you should consult a doctor.

Lack of fluid in the body

The human body is approximately 55-70% composed of water. Severe dehydration can cause various ailments, such as headache, dry skin, problems with memory and thinking. You can also suddenly lose weight. It is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid during the day.

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Drinking coffee

Studies show that drinking coffee can help you control your weight. Caffeine helps suppress appetite and speed up the metabolism, be careful: high-calorie coffee additives sugar, cream, milk, confectionery can trigger weight gain.


Excessive use of salt

Too much salt can cause health problems: high blood pressure, problems with the kidneys and joints, etc. Salt also retains fluid, it can increase your weight. Salty, fried, fatty foods provoke weight gain.

Sleep and Rest

Studies show that sleep and relaxation affect your weight. For example, waking up after a sleepless night, you can feel very hungry. This fact can make you eat more high-calorie foods throughout the day, which can lead to weight changes in the evening.


Body cleansing

Your weight may vary depending on how many times you use the toilet. Do you eat and drink a lot, but don’t go to the toilet? This is reflected on the scale of weights (body weight increases). Indigestion, on the other hand, can cause severe dehydration and weight loss.