
Ukrainians in Canada: education, employment and life

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Ukrainians in Canada: education, employment and life
Ukrainians in Canada: education, employment and life

Canada is a democratic state, which with its loyal attitude towards immigrants received the epithet "country of emigrants". It is difficult to find a nationality whose representatives would not live here. One of the largest diasporas in Canada for many years remains Ukrainian. How did our countrymen get into this country? What attracts her to them? How do modern Ukrainians live in Canada?

Country of Ukrainian happiness

Relocating to foreign lands of immigrants from Western Ukraine, namely they make up the bulk of migrants, was urged by extreme need. Scanty plots prevented the ability to feed their families. The pioneers of the Canadian expanses with unlimited fields and hayfields were six families from Galicia. So began an economic wave of emigration 120 years ago.

Political reasons prompted Western Ukrainians to leave their homeland, who did not want to submit to the Poles, and in the post-war years, to the communist regime. A visa to Canada for Ukrainians has become for many a life ticket from repression and Stalin's camps.

After the collapse of the USSR, in the difficult times of the formation of a new state, the mass resettlement to Canada was aimed at finding better prospects for arranging life and a future for children.

Suitable climatic conditions, opportunities for development, study and work, and, most importantly, a loyal state policy towards immigrants and assistance in arranging are the main reasons why the massive relocation from Ukraine to Canada continues to this day.


The modern diaspora

The Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are called the second Ukraine. The bulk of its former residents is concentrated here, which over the past 15 years has increased by 138 thousand people.

Canada is the most popular destination for Ukrainian residents. A work visa for Ukrainians is issued to about 800 citizens annually. About the same amount get it for training. In addition, the country freely issues tourist and visitor visas for those who wish to visit their relatives. Due to the large flow of guests, tourists and students from Ukraine, Canada canceled visas for Ukrainians. This decision has already been made unanimously by the government, before its implementation it remains to resolve some technical issues.

Each Ukrainian officially arriving for permanent residence is registered as a permanent resident and gets access to social benefits, medical insurance and employment.


Employment in Canada for Ukrainians

The main factor in a safe living in any country is prestigious work. The Diaspora in every possible way helps newcomers with the arrangement, including with the search for work, but still those who know in advance where they are waiting are reliably arranged. You can leave to work in Canada after obtaining a work visa or by invitation within the federal program. In any case, the employer should call the applicant. A visa is granted to work in a specific company for a specific position.

Ukrainians in Canada are most easily settled in such areas of activity as:

  • catering - managers, managers, cooks;

  • medicine - qualified nurses, nurses, family doctors, dentists, psychologists, social workers;

  • the provision of qualified services - electricians, welders, carpenters, plumbers, crane operators.

According to the federal programs of individual districts, the list of demanded specialties is wider.


Personnel Benefits

Without problems, a work visa to Canada is granted to those who are fluent in English or French. Age criteria - from 18 to 49, the optimal age is 21-35 years. Ukrainian diplomas do not require re-certification. The only exception is the medical industry. Education in Canada for Ukrainians who are associated with medicine is required. They undergo practical training, recertification, and retrain at a local university. Local education is a priority for getting a good position.

How to study in this country

Canadian higher education is quoted worldwide. Getting it in this country has become popular among Ukrainian youth. Studying in Canada for Ukrainians is not a cheap pleasure, but the government has gone to meet foreign students. During their studies, each of them has the right to find any job without issuing a separate permit for this. Those who exercise this right (and there are many of them), not only have the means to live and live, but also compensate for part of the cost of training. In addition, after obtaining a diploma, a full right to employment in Canada is given, and the graduate has up to 3 years of time in search of a suitable job.

You can enter a local university or college immediately after graduating from a Ukrainian high school, having successfully passed a language exam, but the option of pre-university preparation is more successful. The fact is that training in Canada and Ukraine is very bad. The requirements for students are not so much complicated as they are incomprehensible to foreigners. The period of the preparatory program is necessary for adaptation in an unusual environment.


Ukrainian culture in Canada

How many Ukrainians are in Canada? Today the figure is 1.2 million people, or 3% of the total population of the country. This is not counting citizens with temporary student or guest visas. Naturally, such a large diaspora cannot but preserve its identity. Immigrants from Ukraine maintain their culture, traditions, customs, language and pass it on to subsequent generations. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the first settlers, regardless of occupation, are brought up in love for the homeland of their ancestors. On the territory of the “Ukrainian” provinces there are a number of museums dedicated to the history of their native country. The museum-village "Ukrainian Heritage" deserves a special word. This open-air exposition in the form of a real Ukrainian village clearly tells about the life and culture of the country. On certain days, master classes in various crafts are organized here.

Many talented writers and poets who did not receive recognition in their homeland lived and created their works in Canada: Olena Teliga, Oleg Olzhich, Miroslav Irchan and others.

Now the tours of many Ukrainian pop artists are organized at the invitation and with the assistance of the public of the diaspora - this is how emigrants try to keep abreast of the cultural life of their native country.


Ukrainians and Canadians

Ethnic groups, societies of emigrants of various nationalities are in all countries. One of the factors that define Canada as a state for successful and safe living is a very friendly policy towards immigrants, regardless of nationality. In addition, within the country there are no privileges on financial, social grounds, or race. Due to the fact that a worker, teacher and manager in a large company can earn almost the same depending on their contribution and work experience, there are practically no differences in social status. There is no division according to religion, ethnicity, skin color.

What Ukrainians in Canada find it difficult to get used to is their demanding compliance with the rules. The Slavic mentality makes it difficult to adapt to such customs. Otherwise, Canadians are very sociable and friendly, although it is customary to plan all meetings and visits in advance, and this schedule is violated exclusively in cases of force majeure.


Retired emigrants

Ukrainians in Canada who have reached retirement age often share their nostalgic memories of their native land, try to come to stay with relatives or invite them to their place. There is no question of returning to the historical homeland.

The fact is that retirees in Canada are respectable people, called here signorees. They are happy to wait for the moment when it will be possible to begin a free life. Social assistance during retirement in Canada does not depend on the position and level of wages. The difference can only be in personal savings. A senior citizen spends his time traveling, pursuing his hobbies, talking with friends. The level of social benefits allows you to maintain a house, change a car and household appliances, pay maintenance staff.

The retirement age in Canada is 65 years, regardless of gender. An emigrant has the right to retirement benefits if he has lived in the country for at least 10 years (which many immigrants from Ukraine are striving for).
