
Warren Buffett suggests having lunch with him. How much does such a lunch cost and why does he do it?

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Warren Buffett suggests having lunch with him. How much does such a lunch cost and why does he do it?
Warren Buffett suggests having lunch with him. How much does such a lunch cost and why does he do it?

Video: How To Have Lunch With Warren Buffett 2024, July

Video: How To Have Lunch With Warren Buffett 2024, July

Last Friday, May 31, the annual auction ended, where a lunch was played out with Warren Buffett himself. The record rate was as much as $ 4, 567, 888 - and this amount, which one of the participants was ready to pay for this opportunity, was 1 million higher than the rate last year. Although the winner wished to remain anonymous, Buffett said in an interview: "I can only give one universal description of the winners of my auction - they know how to have a good time and are also aware of the value of money."


Lunch, funds from which go to charity

During a lunch with Warren Buffett, a generous investor and the fourth wealthiest man in the world, you can find out about his biggest deals, as well as ask for good advice on investing. And these tips can fabulously enrich the interlocutor. For the past 20 years, Buffett has been auctioning his dinners. One of the participants who offers the highest price receives recommendations from Buffett himself; and the investor gives the money to charity. The Buffett Foundation had already spent as much as $ 3.5 million on good goals last year.

Bidding lasted until Friday. Within two days, the cost of a private lunch has already exceeded the record price of $ 3.45 million for 2016. Since its founding in 2000, lunch at a New York hotel has become one of the most successful charity campaigns and has raised over $ 30 million. “I’m happy that I can help other people see hope even in the most hopeless circumstances, ” Buffett emphasizes.

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Help for those who have "reached the bottom of the social"

Warren's first charitable foundation was founded more than half a century ago. It is still valid, and its mission is to break the cycle of poverty among members of the marginalized sectors of society, including the homeless, blacks, and members of the LGBT community. Buffett considers his organization one of the most effective in the world. "We help people who have reached the bottom, and with our help they can return back to normal. And I have seen this process more than once with my own eyes."

In addition, Buffett is one of the most generous philanthropists in the world. He promised to give 99% of his wealth to good causes. In 2018 alone, the investor donated $ 3.4 billion, most of which was spent on charity by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

By the way, Buffett is not the only billionaire who provides assistance in solving social problems. Domestic stars - such as Natalya Vodyanova, Polina Kitsenko and others - also strive to make their contribution to solving the acute problems of society. Not so long ago, in the center of Moscow was held the "Green Marathon" called "Running Hearts." This event was dedicated to Children's Day.


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"Green Marathon": domestic charity event

Every year, the "Green Marathon" is visited by various artists, entrepreneurs, cultural figures, politicians and ordinary residents of the capital. On this day, they make the race under the hashtag motto #behosmyslom. The purpose of this event is to raise funds for charitable programs of the Naked Heart Foundation. This year, more than 15 thousand participants have put on green T-shirts.

This marathon was held with the participation of many domestic celebrities. Among them was Renata Litvinova, singer Valeria, Elena Krygina, Joseph Prigozhin and others. A serious event, in particular, was a marathon for Valeria. In her interview, the performer says that running is not really “her story”, as she is engaged in fitness. But today Valeria and her husband decided to share the distance with other participants.
