
Seeing that the mother was breastfeeding the baby in a pizzeria, the employee asked her to leave

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Seeing that the mother was breastfeeding the baby in a pizzeria, the employee asked her to leave
Seeing that the mother was breastfeeding the baby in a pizzeria, the employee asked her to leave

Video: Mother is criticized for breastfeeding her baby in public | What Would You Do? 2024, June

Video: Mother is criticized for breastfeeding her baby in public | What Would You Do? 2024, June

Page Martin is a 22-year-old Ohio mom who has come across a censure of how she behaves in a public place. The girl went to the pizzeria with her husband and son, who was only a few months old. When the child cried, Page did what she thought was necessary, but soon realized that other visitors to the establishment did not like it at all.


“You have to leave”

A young mother claims that a Pizza Hut employee told her to leave the pizzeria after she began breastfeeding her crying son. “A female worker came up to me and asked if I could cover myself with a blanket, and I replied that my son would not eat with a blanket on his head, ” said Page. Then the employee asked the girl with the child to go to the zone with fewer people for the sake of those parents who do not want their children to see the process of breastfeeding. Instead of a compromise, the young mother again replied that the law does not prohibit breastfeeding in public places and refused to move to another zone.



Then the employee said: "In this case, I ask you to leave." Page demanded an apology from Pizza Hut. “I protect myself and my rights, and I do it for all nursing mothers, ” the girl said. According to her, breastfeeding is a constant emotional struggle, and people should be more tolerant of this, and if someone does not like what they see, they can turn away.

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What answered in the pizzeria

Pizza Hut reported that the institution did not try to interfere with the mother’s right to breastfeed in their institution. And the girl was not immediately asked to leave the pizzeria, but only after she refused to move to another table, which was more isolated from others. Despite this, the staff subsequently apologized to Paige for being upset by the situation.



If this happened in Russia

In our country, the law also does not prohibit breastfeeding in public places. No one has the right to ask you to leave the institution or to go to the toilet to feed your child. Such a request discriminates against a nursing mother and violates the law.

Online Opinions

Meanwhile, after the story from Ohio became public, opinions were divided. Users agreed that the girl was supposed to feed the baby, but were surprised why she did not compromise when she was asked to transfer to another place. One woman wrote: “This girl does not understand that her rights end where mine begins! I would not want a strange lady to openly show her breasts in front of me in public. ”


Others disagreed with her, saying that no one is forcing to pervertly look at how the mother feeds the child, but you can just look away.