men's issues

Types of transport

Types of transport
Types of transport

Video: Types of Transportation! Learning Modes of Transport for Kids 2024, July

Video: Types of Transportation! Learning Modes of Transport for Kids 2024, July

Transport is a means of moving people, information and goods from one place to another. There are the following categories (types) of transport: general, non-general use, personal. Public transport is intended to serve trade and the public. Non-public use - intra-departmental and intra-production. Personal - bicycles, cars, yachts, planes.

Depending on the nature of movement, modes of transport can be divided into the following: water, road, rail, air and horse-drawn.

Water transport

The oldest type of movement is through water. For many centuries, it remained the most important for humanity. This was especially true of trade, research expeditions, wars.

Water transport plays an important role today. More than 60% of all cargo is transported in this way. This is beneficial due to its low cost and large capacity. However, many people prefer to move faster.

Automobile transport

This is the most common and, according to many experts, the most dangerous form of transport. It appeared relatively recently, at the end of the XIX century. Among the advantages can be noted: speed, maneuverability, flexibility.

With the help of trucks transport any kind of cargo. At the same time, it’s much more profitable to use road trains than railway transport. Especially in the case of transportation of valuable goods. For example, perishable products for which delivery speed is very important.

Almost every inhabitant of the planet has personal cars. They are convenient both for daily trips (to work, for shopping, and so on), and for long trips.

Buses are widely used as public road transport. They are operated in cities and suburbs, as well as for intercity, international flights and tourist traffic.

In addition to buses, trolleybuses are used as urban public transport.

Railway transport

These modes of transport appeared in the 19th century and quickly gained their place. Railways connect cities, industrial facilities and so on. Such transportations have advantages: high carrying capacity, reliability. However, they are inferior in speed to automobile transport.

Of great importance are the suburban railways and the subway.

Air Transport

This is the fastest and most expensive form of transport. Through it, mainly passenger transportation is carried out. Less commonly, delivery of mail, valuable and perishable products. One of the main disadvantages of modern aircraft is the excessive noise that they make when taking off.


This type of transport was mastered by people in ancient times. This includes riding animals on horseback, in a sleigh or in carts. Horses, oxen, elephants, camels, llamas, dogs are used as draft power.

All of the above types of transport undergo various changes and improve over time. Getting into various life situations, a person begins to invent and invent. Many random inventions have subsequently been used successfully.

Unusual modes of transport today can be found in different parts of the Earth. The most famous of them:

  1. Floating bus in Canada.
  2. Suspension train in Germany.
  3. The underground funicular Carmelit in Israel.
  4. Polar all-terrain vehicle in Canada.
  5. Ice boat in the USA.
  6. Water taxi in thailand.
  7. Bamboo train in Cambodia.
  8. Cableway in the USA.

Despite their uniqueness, they all successfully cope with the task. This gives reason to think that in the future, mankind will find many more discoveries, including in the field of transportation.