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Statements about the library and reading - a list and interesting facts

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Statements about the library and reading - a list and interesting facts
Statements about the library and reading - a list and interesting facts

Video: Hidden Details of the New York Public Library | Architectural Digest 2024, June

Video: Hidden Details of the New York Public Library | Architectural Digest 2024, June

When was the last time you were in the library? Long? But these institutions deserve your attention. They store the wisdom of generations, which sometimes can not be found on the Internet. Statements about the library and librarians were made by famous people who were well versed in reading and in culture. Want to know what they thought about this?

About the public library

A public library is an open table of ideas for which everyone is invited. (A.I. Herzen)


This statement about the library suggests that a person does not often find inspiration. New ideas can be born in the head only when a person has enough knowledge. You can buy them in the library. Everyone can expand their knowledge every day, and for this they will not be required to pay so much - free time. If we take into account that a person is limited in this resource, then, looking at his life, you can understand how correctly a person sets priorities. It sometimes seems strange that people choose the Internet as a means of cognition, rather than books. On the Internet it is more difficult to find useful information, since there is too much of it. In books, knowledge is systematized, ordered and tested by many generations of our ancestors.

About the librarian

That librarian who does not like to read, who, while reading an interesting book, does not forget everything in the world, is no good. (N.K. Krupskaya)


Such statements about the library and librarians are not common. But they are accurate. A person who loves his job can make a profession prestigious. Unfortunately, those people who could not enter other professions are studying at librarians today. Such “specialists” will not be able to enhance the prestige of libraries. Only a person who likes to read on his own can instill a love of reading for others.

Statements about the library and reading are very accurate. How often can one meet in the temple the knowledge of people who are sincerely interested in their work? Such persons can be found at most 2. This is not enough to spark a few readers. One who understands literature and loves it can not only give good advice to a novice reader, but also develop a good literary taste in him. It is this task that should be faced by every person who wants to claim the high status of a librarian.

About the treasury

Libraries are the treasury of all the riches of the human spirit. (G.V. Leibniz)


And with what can you compare the library? With a warehouse? Smart people in their statements about the library compare it with the treasury. In these buildings all world knowledge is stored. And anyone can purchase them. But, unfortunately, in recent years there are not many people who want to get rich spiritually. Residents of our country prefer material wealth to any other. Is it bad? Yes. Culture is dying, people are degrading. All this happens for the reason that personalities are changing values. They cannot distinguish real treasures from fictional ones. People are like Aboriginal people who gladly exchange gold for pieces of broken glass. A person must understand that the knowledge accumulated by him will remain in his head forever and eventually will be able to generate new ideas. Money will fly away to satisfy immediate needs, and nothing will be left of them.

About the ban on reading

It is impossible to keep books locked, as if in prison, they must certainly pass from the library into memory. (F. Petrarch)


Our ancestors wrote books so that contemporaries could use them. Knowledge recorded on paper can preserve the wisdom of generations. The above statement about books and libraries helps a person understand the true purpose of the temples of science.

Libraries today really look like prisons. People bypass them, being afraid to even cross the threshold of this institution. Many people do not dare to communicate with the "residents" of the libraries; they consider them unworthy of their attention. But this is very stupid. Books are the source of human wisdom; they should not gather dust on shelves. Their purpose is to share knowledge with people, to help find yourself and your place in life. Have you noticed that young people often cannot find their calling and go to work in shops? Do you think that society and time have changed and that there simply is no other job today? This is not true. People and their values ​​have changed.

About the future of libraries

… The most striking characteristic of the library of the future is not so much its appearance as its intellectual activity within its walls - the activity that has been a hallmark of every library at all times, starting from the Alexandria … (Shira)


Libraries are slowly dying. So that the temples of science do not disappear from the face of the earth, they must be retrained. This statement about the library helps you understand which direction you should work in. A person goes to the temple of science for knowledge, but you can get it not only from books. People can develop through discussions and lectures. Such events must be arranged under the roof of the library. Reading youth today is at a very disadvantage. Sometimes people cannot find like-minded people to discuss with them a work they like. Libraries and librarians can take the trouble of organizing book clubs. Weekly or monthly meetings of interest may be held in the temple of sciences. For example, on one day people who are fond of science fiction will gather there, on another day - fans of classical literature. At such lively meetings, readers will have the opportunity to meet like-minded people, express their opinion, and also learn a little more about the genre of literature to which there is interest.

About the measure

… I love libraries, I like to stay in them, I can and leave there on time. I have been reproached for this more than once, but I am only proud of it. One must be a library reader, but not a library rat. (A. France)


There are various sayings about libraries. The quote above may shock someone. But there is nothing terrible in it. People should manage their time wisely. A person may love libraries, but he is not obliged to live in them. A well-educated intellectual has many interests besides reading. Therefore, you should not spend all your free time among books. Otherwise, a situation may arise when a person will not live in the real world, but in the illusory, in that which was invented by numerous authors. You should be able to close the book when it's late in the evening. Family, friends and loved ones, unlike books, are not eternal. Therefore, show respect and attention to living people. The statement does not urge readers to turn their backs on libraries. It is aimed at ensuring that a person revises his life priorities and, if necessary, displaces them a little.

About knowledge

A library is not just books. First of all, this is a colossal concentrate of compressed time, as it were, the conjugation of millennia of human thought. (M. Shaginyan)


What does the library mean to you? A beautiful building in the center of the city? Statements about the libraries of great people are completely different. For some it is a treasury, but for someone it is a concentrate of compressed time. Yes, it’s better to say difficult.

Books are the memory of generations, which is stored under one roof. In the library you can find books that tell about the lives of our contemporaries and distant ancestors. On paper relics, you can study culture, life, as well as colloquial speech. After all, all this has changed over the centuries. It is difficult to imagine all the power that is concentrated in the library. But how many contemporaries are willing to spend their time trying to feel the sense of antiquity and sit in the reading room? Such an event is common for one person out of a hundred, and possibly out of a thousand. People go to the library urgently to write a term paper or dissertation. Few people go to the temple of science not from under the stick.

About gold

Modern man is in front of the Himalayas of libraries in the position of a gold digger, who needs to find grains of gold in a mass of sand. (S. I. Vavilov)

Want to find a monologue for the school library? It is given above. This phrase is suitable for a school building in which several racks are composed. Teenagers do not like to read for various reasons. Some parents did not instill this habit, while others were not lucky with a literature teacher. If a good librarian will work in the school, then he can change the young people's outlook on books. Explanatory explanation and instruction will help the student to understand the wilds of literature. It can be difficult to find an interesting book on its own, which would come in handy by age and level of development. A librarian can advise good literature based on a conversation with a child. And in this case, the student will not have to independently, through trial and error, look for a treasure on the shelves. After all, many people do not read because they could not find a person in his youth who could develop a good literary taste.

About jewelry

Libraries are wardrobes from which skillful people can extract something for decoration, much for curiosity, and even more for use. (J. Dyer)

Not all statements about the library of great people gain fame. Most of them are forgotten. Yes, it’s not difficult to explain. The status of libraries today is so low that they rarely speak about these institutions. But if you think about it, the library is a unique place where everyone can find something for themselves. Someone may show off a witty phrase taken from a book at a social event. Books will help someone find the answer to a question of interest. And someone just can’t imagine his life without good reading. The popularity of libraries needs to be raised, otherwise the level of culture will drop completely. Someone may say that there is nowhere to go below, but if you look at the countries of the West, you can confidently answer that Russian culture is not at the bottom, and you can fall even deeper.

The futility of hope

Nowhere do you feel so much the futility of human hopes as in a public library. (Samuel Johnson)

This statement about the library is very relevant today. If you look at the attendance of these institutions, you can understand that the temple of sciences does not enjoy the love of youth. Is it sad? Sure. Our ancestors hoped that their knowledge would not be forgotten. And in order for this to be so, people wrote books. But what do young people read today? A biography of Olga Buzova or a book on how to become rich and successful without putting any effort into it. Such literature does not contain any useful information. When visiting the library, it becomes sad at the thought that many great authors will remain unread, and some of the classics will be forgotten in a few years. Time is changing, people and their interests are changing. But are these changes for the better? It’s hard to say who is to blame. But it should be remembered that there is always a way out. And in the case of the futility of human hopes, it is very simple. It is necessary to increase the popularity of the Temple of Sciences, which will instill in people a good literary taste.

About personal library

I like to visit friends from time to time, just to take a look at my library. (William Gaslitt)

This statement about the library and the book evokes a smile. Of course, it is irrelevant today, but it is possible to draw an analogy. People like to borrow things, but not very much to return them. Previously, such subjects were books. Although a similar situation can be repeated today. A reading person can praise a work so much that a non-reading person will decide that he also wants to take a look, what friend has found good here. But in the end, the book settles on the bookshelf. Her comrade borrowing it soon forgets about her recent acquisition, so that she continues to live peacefully in his bookcase. Is this weird? Not really. This statement does not call you to be an evil friend who does not share anything with anyone. Be choosy and do not use things that are dear to your heart for use, as they may not come back to you.