
Vyacheslav Lysakov, State Duma deputy: biography, political activity and family

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Vyacheslav Lysakov, State Duma deputy: biography, political activity and family
Vyacheslav Lysakov, State Duma deputy: biography, political activity and family

Vyacheslav Lysakov is a deputy and an active public figure. This is a very successful person, promising.

To the heights

Vyacheslav Lysakov is the most ordinary, from the people, with a good heart, understanding and partial. Moreover, he is very successful in politics and as a public figure. The founder of the organization, uniting all motorists of the country. A multifaceted personality with broad interests and progressive views.


He has one of the rare human qualities today - the ability to set a goal and go to a victorious end.

Always up to date with all the trends, achievements and innovations. Even modern gadgets for him do not cause difficulties in use. Vyacheslav Lysakov is a modern political figure.


Let's start from the very beginning. On November 10, 1953, the future deputy Vyacheslav Ivanovich Lysakov was born. The first profession he received was truly masculine. She was associated with the inlay of precious stones. In his chosen profession he worked at the Crystal plant. Then he decided to continue his studies at the medical school at the Institute. Sklifosovsky, combining his studies with the profession of massage therapist at the USSR national teams. After graduation, he gets a job as a paramedic. Tireless, he again becomes a student of the regional Moscow State Institute of Physical Culture. In 1981, an already graduated graduate was assigned to head an entire academic department.

Life path

The surprise for everyone is the decision of a young man to connect his life with the sea and with distant Kamchatka. Did a young inexperienced sailor know then that today many young people will be interested in everything related to the name Vyacheslav Lysakov: biography, professional achievements, activities?

Three years spent on the waves were not wasted. The result is a certified international class sailor.


And at present, deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov does not stop at the achieved level. Considering that it is never too late to learn, in the last 2015 I received a law degree.

Vyacheslav Lysakov - a State Duma deputy, elected from a considerable number of applicants available at that time - successfully fulfills his duties. With all responsibility approaches the tasks.

In the near 2013, deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov was appointed to the post of head of the ONF central audit commission. This person manages to cope with a tremendous amount of work.

Unrivaled public figure

Important affairs filled the life of Vyacheslav Ivanovich. Thanks to his indefatigable energy, he strives step by step for justice and order. So, even during the years of perestroika, he worked at a medical center, helping patients to get rid of diseases. A little later, he became an active advocate for motorists. Also on the same topic by the author and presenter of the radio program. Then he got a job as deputy director for innovation. A few months after membership in the council of the All-Russian Popular Front, he was elected to the deputies. And a year later he became the leader of the constituent congress, dedicated to the same motorists.


Talent and Innovation

Vyacheslav Ivanovich - an innovator in the field of introduction of bills. And this also cannot be an accident. Rather, the result of his observation and simple everyday experience.

He is the author of initiatives that in many cases are crucial for ordinary citizens. For example, which of the people wants to run into a drunk driver? It is clear that no one. It was for this purpose that this person proposed and then introduced a new concept into the law on determining the degree of intoxication of a driver.

In addition to this, he acts as the author and co-author of many laws, including the criminal liability for theft of license plates. Introduces a minimum limit on the permitted speed of movement. Thanks to him, now the car owner pays a half fine for early payment. Suggests and seeks amendments regarding the return of a driver’s license.

Protecting the rights and ensuring the safety of pedestrians, at the same time he does not give an insult to car owners.


He promotes a campaign to protect owners of right-hand drive cars, as well as taxis.

As a result, all this leads to the birth of a public organization that protects the rights and freedom of choice of drivers. In particular, he defended the honor of a man whose name sounded during a traffic accident with a well-known for every resident of Altai and not only Mikhail Evdokimov.


Vyacheslav Lysakov (State Duma deputy) deservedly awarded numerous awards, high thanks. Their list is huge: diplomas and badges, medals, orders, award weapons, even the thanks of the President of the country are among them.

However, despite all of the above regalia, he remains a man with a capital letter. He does not try for rewards, but for people. And the more such people will be around, the better the world will become.