
"I am ready to kiss the sand" and "Lilac fog" once sang the whole country. What singer Vladimir Markin lives today

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"I am ready to kiss the sand" and "Lilac fog" once sang the whole country. What singer Vladimir Markin lives today
"I am ready to kiss the sand" and "Lilac fog" once sang the whole country. What singer Vladimir Markin lives today

Once upon a time, the entire Soviet Union sang the compositions of Vladimir Markin. Today, the famous singer is a regular participant in retro discos. The phrases from his hits have not been forgotten so far, and the artist himself has not aged at all, and he still looks good. Do you remember the songs "Lilac fog" and "I am ready to kiss the sand" performed by Vladimir Markin? Sure yes. Today, in honor of the anniversary of the famous singer and composer, we offer to get acquainted with his personal and creative biography.

Star biography

The future singer was born on May 8, 1959 in Bolshevo (Moscow region). Vladimir’s mother, Vera Georgievna, was a teacher in an elementary school, and his father, Nikolai Markovich, worked as an engineer in the technical control department. In addition, the artist has an older brother Anatoly, who is also professionally engaged in music.

When Volodya turned 5 years old, his family moved to the town of Pushkino near Moscow. It was here that the youthful years of the future star passed.


At 7 years old Volodya went to school, where his mother worked. Of course, classmates envied him, because mom and teacher in one person - it's cool. Although in reality Markin himself did not see anything good for himself in this. After all, mother demanded much more from him than from other students. True, thanks to this, Vladimir was an excellent pupil.

From childhood, Markin was attracted to design and radio engineering. True, the enterprising guy did not succeed. First, he made a radio, because of which televisions stopped working in the whole house. And then in one of the magazines he found a model of a moped that could be made from an old bicycle. Volodya’s idea was a success, and he even found a buyer for his invention. Only now the moped was taken from him, promising to bring money a little later, but Markin never saw his customers.

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Music in the life of Vladimir

At 13, a pioneer, bugler and drummer Markin went to Czechoslovakia. On a trip, Volodya noted that boys who know how to play the guitar are popular with girls. This is precisely what inspired Markin to pick up the instrument.


In high school, Vladimir already played in the ensemble "Silhouettes". The group performed at various parties, performing compositions by Yuri Antonov, Alla Pugacheva, Slade, Deep Purple, Queen and Time Machine.

After graduating from school, Vladimir entered the Moscow Power Engineering Institute at the Electromechanical Faculty. Indeed, despite the passion for music, the guy needed a serious profession.

Although creativity did not let Volodya go. As a student, he struggled to find time for music. Although study took a lot of time and energy. And it is not surprising, because during his student years Markin mastered so many specialties that he certainly will never be left without work. He received diplomas from a piano tuner, electrical engineer, carpenter and bricklayer, concrete worker and editor, minder and draftsman.


For some time after the institute, Markin worked as a packer at the Baby factory.

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Business activities

The entrepreneurial Markin began to engage in business at the institute. Seeing his comrade new canvas jeans, which in those days it was almost impossible to get, Vladimir decided to sew the same for himself. He coped with the task with a bang. And he liked the experience gained in the process so much that he decided to make money on this business.


Despite his passion for music, Vladimir always knew that he could not make a lot of money from this. So at home, he organized a whole studio, for which he bought several professional cars. In one night, his mini-shop was scribbling 12 pairs of trousers. Just imagine! By the standards of those times, his studio could compete with the whole factory.

Markin's jeans were of excellent quality, so he easily sold them to thrift stores. In general, things went off with a bang, Vladimir produced at least 2, 000 trousers. But at some point, Markin realized that it was time to cover the bench, noticing his pants on several people at once in one day. He realized that the business had acquired too impressive proportions, and he could easily find himself behind bars.

Professional activity


At the age of 21, Vladimir went to the Alushta fitness and sports camp. The following year he began to work there as a cult cult. For Markin, this was the first workplace in which he stayed for as long as 6 years. It was here, in the health and sports camp, that Vladimir perfectly established himself as an organizer, leader and singer. Here he met many successful musicians, editors and television directors. In addition, here he received the first tempting offer in his life - to become a member of the group "Magic Twilight".

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With this team, the handsome, talented Vladimir no longer just performed at various parties, but even appeared on television in the program "Funny Guys". Then he got on the program "Morning Post", on which he performed the song "I am ready to kiss the sand." This song made Markin famous throughout the country. In the future, she became the hallmark of the artist.

"Difficult childhood"

After graduating, Vladimir went to work at the Palace of Culture, where he organized his own musical group called "Difficult childhood." The team included only three musicians: Markin himself, the creator of the program "Funny Guys" Andrei Knyshev and the famous showman Sergei Shustitsky. The group went on tour throughout the Soviet Union and quickly gained popularity. The main hits of "Difficult childhood" were songs:

  • "Princess Nesmeyana";

  • "The cutest in the yard";

  • "Brownie";

  • "Purple Haze";

  • "White bird cherry";

  • The bells.

Gradually, the group organized by Markin turned into a theater, then into a company, and today it is already a huge corporation with a festive and advertising agency in its composition. In addition, it includes the Markin Chai company, the House of Culture of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, and the Lilac Mist restaurant pavilion. The holding even has its own television and recording studio. In general, the scale of the artist’s corporation is really impressive. It is noteworthy that Markin allocates a lot of funds to charity. For example, not so long ago his company spent a round sum on the construction of a shelter for homeless animals.

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Personal life

Not much is known about Vladimir’s personal life. We can only say that he has been in a happy marriage for many years. The couple has an adult daughter, Lelyana. She graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School (production department). He works in the company of his father.

Lelyana has already made Vladimir Markin a grandfather. In March 2019, his granddaughter Agatha turned 5 years old.
