
Poisonous mushrooms: tips "experienced"

Poisonous mushrooms: tips "experienced"
Poisonous mushrooms: tips "experienced"

Video: Mushroom Madness - a guide to UK psychedelic & poisonous fungi 2024, July

Video: Mushroom Madness - a guide to UK psychedelic & poisonous fungi 2024, July

Currently, there is such a variety of mushrooms in the forests that even experienced mushroom pickers risk making a mistake in their choice. Some generally can only say that there are edible and poisonous mushrooms, while others know that there is still a class of inedible and conditionally edible mushrooms.

If you like forest mushrooms, in order to choose them correctly and stay alive and healthy, you must be able to observe safety measures during the collection or purchase. So, it is important to talk about such a species as poisonous mushrooms, so that everyone can distinguish them from edible ones. After all, it is these mushrooms that inflict a mortal blow on our health and can lead to death.

Many claim that russula is edible in its raw form. However, among them there are also poisonous, although not fatal - russula yellow, brittle and pungent caustic. Remember that mushrooms are not edible in their raw form. Also, you can not eat mushrooms that have undergone poor-quality heat treatment. A person who ate raw mushrooms and claims that nothing happened to him should know that this is due to how many mushrooms were eaten, what they were, and what the digestive system of the body is. After all, not everyone can boast that the mushrooms did not do him any harm. So it’s better to be safe again, although this will not be superfluous with respect to mushrooms.

Poisonous mushrooms, the fly agaric among which takes the first place, are divided into simply poisonous and deadly poisonous. Amanita muscaria, for example, belongs to the category of poisonous, and pale grebe belongs to the category of deadly poisonous. Cases in which poisoning occurs with fly agaric are extremely rare. However, deadly poisonous fly agarics are found in nature - fly agaric smelly and fly agaric are white. Their danger lies in the fact that they have edible double mushrooms, for example, mushrooms, russula, greenfinch.

Often edible mushrooms have poisonous double mushrooms, which an inexperienced mushroom picker can easily confuse. This is dangerous due to the fact that there are quite a lot of species, and the majority of edible mushrooms have doubles. Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning, which can lead to loss of health and even life, it is necessary to observe safety rules during the collection of mushrooms:

  1. It is better to eat only those mushrooms that you yourself have collected (if you collected them in accordance with all the rules). Indeed, by eating mushrooms purchased or otherwise acquired, one cannot be sure where and how they were collected and whether they were selected correctly. Poisonous mushrooms need to be able to distinguish, but no one will give you guarantees.

  2. If you seriously decide to start picking mushrooms yourself, learn from experienced mushroom pickers.

  3. Do not give children forest mushrooms: firstly, they are still small for such food, and secondly, there is always a risk, and children should be protected from it.

  4. Remember that if you feel any discomfort after eating mushrooms, you should consult a doctor for twelve hours. The sooner this happens, the more chances you have to do without serious health consequences.

Each person needs to be able to provide first aid for mushroom poisoning. First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, drink about five glasses of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, as well as a solution of soda or potassium permanganate. You need to drink in small sips. Then induce vomiting. A similar procedure needs to be done two to three times. After each gastric lavage, you need to drink a laxative to remove poison from the intestines. After taking a laxative and bowel cleansing, you need to put a cleansing enema and drink a couple of packs of activated charcoal. Poisonous mushrooms that have not been eaten should be left before the doctor arrives to analyze them for the presence of poison and determine its specificity.