
South Korea. Samsung's leading producer of the country waiting for change

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South Korea. Samsung's leading producer of the country waiting for change
South Korea. Samsung's leading producer of the country waiting for change

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Despite record sales last year due to the growth of the integrated circuit market, Samsung seeks to find new sources of development. In Seoul (South Korea), Samsung's leading producer of the country celebrated its eightieth birthday without unnecessary pomp. Difficulties associated with the illness of the founder and chairman of the company, Li Gochen, and the arrest and suspended sentence for corruption of the heir and actual head of the conglomerate Lee Jayen, had a great impact on business optimization plans, but 2017 was the best year in Samsung’s history. For the first time, the consolidated assets of the conglomerate exceeded 300 billion US dollars.

Everyone needs chips

Residents of most countries of the world came across household appliances, TVs and smartphones that say “Samsung”. Country of origin - South Korea or it may be another Asian country. In 2017, the corporation's record revenue came from semiconductor devices, total sales of chips amounted to 65.6 billion US dollars.


The Korean semiconductor manufacturer last year took first place in the global market with a share of 14.3%, for the first time displacing the long-standing leader - the American corporation Intel, which has a market share of 14.2%.

Ratings only grow


Among South Korea’s largest manufacturers in the country, Samsung is least affected by unofficial sanctions imposed by China and has increased brand value by 39% compared to last year and ranked fourth in the world. Brand value amounted to 92.3 billion dollars. This is the highest rate in Asia. In the world ranking of the hundred most respected companies, Samsung took an honorable 26th place, but most importantly, it was ahead of its competitor in the premium smartphone market Apple, which took only fifty-eighth place. Samsung owners also succeeded, becoming the richest people in South Korea.