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Confusion is what?

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Confusion is what?
Confusion is what?

Video: What is CONFUSION? What does CONFUSION mean? CONFUSION meaning, definition & explanation 2024, June

Video: What is CONFUSION? What does CONFUSION mean? CONFUSION meaning, definition & explanation 2024, June

All words can be divided into simple and complex. The latter include terms whose etymology is not clear at first glance. For example, many pass to the answer to the question: "Confusion is what?" Let's get it right.



Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary clearly states: “Confusion is confusion, unexpected disorder, or confusion.” An authoritative scientific guide should be taken as fundamental to explaining various terms.

In other dictionaries, you can read that confusion is some kind of bewilderment, embarrassment, embarrassment and anxiety at the same time.

The manifestations of confusion are as follows:

  1. The person has a surprised, pensive and embarrassed face.

  2. A person tugs at things that are at hand, scratches her head, looks at one point or to the side.

The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy provides a vivid literary example of this condition in the novel Crime and Punishment (F. Dostoevsky), when the protagonist cannot find his place, being confused.


Related words

The best way to deal with any term is to find out its synonyms. The word "confusion" they are: confusion, confusion, perplexity, inconvenience, embarrassment, nonsense, confusion, embarrassment, confusion, embarrassment, shame, embarrassment, confusion, daze, confusion, shame, panic.