
Forbidden love of Evgeny Tsyganov and Julia Snigir

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Forbidden love of Evgeny Tsyganov and Julia Snigir
Forbidden love of Evgeny Tsyganov and Julia Snigir

The novel of Evgeny Tsyganov and Julia Snigir, smoothly flowing into marriage, was a shock for many. And for the acting environment, and for the townsfolk, but especially for the wife of Eugene - Irina. Did he have the right to leave his wife or does love justify everything? The question is very complicated, but Eugene and Julia decided for themselves that they have the right to general happiness.


Julia Viktorovna Snigir was born on June 2, 1983 in the town of Donskoy (Tula region) with a population of less than 100 thousand people. In the family of a chess player and a telephone exchange employee. She went to conquer Moscow with a dream to graduate from the faculty of Romano-Germanic philology. But she did not get a little points, she was offered to stay and earn some money. To get some experience by profession and make ends meet in such an expensive city like Moscow, she went to work as an English teacher in a kindergarten. A year later, she still entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University and graduated with honors, after which she went to work again as an English teacher, but already to school. So she stayed in Moscow.


Conscious of her attractiveness, Julia decided to work as a model in an advertising photo shoot. The photoshoot was quite frank, because the object of the advertisement was underwear. Once she was noticed by an assistant to a famous director and gave advice to go to actresses. She was very attracted to the script of the movie “Hipsters, ” and she decided to try it. Unfortunately, Julia did not pass the casting, but she managed to “get sick" with cinema. She decided that she needed an acting education and graduated from the Shchukin Theater School. For the first time on television screens, viewers saw her in 2005 in the video “Birthday” of the then popular group “Tea for Two”. And already in 2006 she made her debut in the feature film "The Last Slaughter" in the role of Angela. At 34, she had already played 32 roles in films and TV shows, and starred in 4 videos.

About her personal life, it is known only that she was never married. But she had an affair with the cameraman of the film in which she starred, Maxim Osadchim and the famous Russian actor Danila Kozlovsky. Now she lives in an actual marriage with Evgeny Tsyganov.


Yevgeny Eduardovich Tsyganov was born on March 15, 1979 in the city of Moscow, in the family of employees of the research institute. For his mother, he was a late and distressed child; she literally wore it in her arms all her childhood. When the son wanted to become an actor, his parents fully supported him in this endeavor.

First, he entered the Shchukin school, but did not take root there and left. And then he entered the directing department of GITIS and in 2001 he graduated. While studying, he played at the Taganka Theater. After graduation, I decided to try myself in the cinema. His first role is Ilya in the movie "Collector". And in his collection for 2017 there are already 50 roles and one trial of himself as a director. And before this whole story with his wife abandoned, he was famous exclusively as a talented actor and laureate of the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation. He received this prestigious award for his starring role in the Thaw series.

Since 2005, he lived in an actual marriage with actress Irina Leonova.


But in 2015, he suddenly abandoned her with children. At the time of leaving her, he had four sons, the eldest of whom was born in 2005, and two daughters. The youngest Verochka was born after the separation of her parents - in 2015. It is ironic that in 2015, Eugene received the title of "Person of the Year."


She is a beautiful and promising actress. He is a former rock musician, actor and father of six children, and his actual wife is the seventh. It would seem that what could be in common between Evgeny Tsyganov and Julia Snigir? It seems like love.


They met in 2015 on the set of the film “How the Homeland Begins”, where they played a couple. And in the same year, despite the pregnancy of his wife, Eugene left home and began to rent an apartment with Julia. Then everything spun even faster, they had a baby. They both refuse to comment on their union and their attitude to the fact that Eugene left seven children and a pregnant wife.

In the photo, Julia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov delight the eye and look like ordinary happy lovers. But when people find out the story of this novel, the condemnation immediately begins. Despite all the speculation, the couple lives together, saves for joint housing and educates their son. Apart from each other’s society, young people did not get any benefit, therefore this love can really be believed, despite how destructive it turned out to be.

Will there be a wedding

They did not want to draw too much attention to their novel from the very beginning. Until 2016, Eugene did not react in any way to the questions, and even sued the StarHit magazine and Express Newspaper for digging into his personal life. But in 2016, he admitted that Julia’s son was from him and he would like to marry her. Julia herself does not respond to all questions at all. But despite this, they already began to appear together in public.


It was rumored that Yevgeny Tsyganov and Julia Snigir married secretly in a romantic Italian city. But they were not confirmed either by the actors themselves or by the photographs.

Common child

In 2016, on March 9, in the Lapino maternity hospital near Moscow, Julia Snigir gave birth to a son from Yevgeny Tsyganov, whom they named Fedor. Despite the fact that at that time the girl was not married and did not declare official relations, they saw how Eugene took her with her child from the hospital.


Later, in an interview, he acknowledged the paternity of Fedor. The child was given the name Tsyganov. For some time, she stopped filming a movie. But already in 2016, she returned to work and began to play the role of Katya in the film adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Walking through the agony”.