the culture

“Land for peasants, factories for workers”: slogans of the Soviet period

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“Land for peasants, factories for workers”: slogans of the Soviet period
“Land for peasants, factories for workers”: slogans of the Soviet period

Video: Russian Revolution and Civil War: Crash Course European History #35 2024, July

Video: Russian Revolution and Civil War: Crash Course European History #35 2024, July

Even after many years, the slogan "Earth - to the peasants, factories - to the workers!" heard by many. Every person who lives in the post-Soviet space, at least once in his life, has heard him, even if he is incredibly far from everything, at least just touching politics, and acquaintance with this phrase took place only in history lessons.


However, the twentieth century was remembered not only by this phrase. Let us analyze four main slogans, some of which, in fact, have become quite stable combinations used in speech.

Earth - to the peasants, factories - to the workers, power - to the Soviets!

Perhaps this slogan can rightly be called the most famous. In everyday life, it usually shrinks to the first two pairs: "land - to the peasants, factories - to the workers" ("women - by the man" continue in a playful tone by Internet users). It would seem a wonderful rush. But this turned out to be a kind of "heading with an asterisk", and under the "asterisk" in small print a number of reservations on this issue. That is why now the expression "land - to the peasants, factories - to the workers" in everyday speech takes on a somewhat sarcastic connotation.

Five year old in four years

The economy was growing stronger, the country was developing, but the pace of this development sometimes left much to be desired. However, nothing makes a person work so hard as the opportunity to be the best at anything. Therefore, labor in the fields and enterprises takes on a tinge of competitiveness, and the development of the country becomes orderly thanks to five-year plans, and in short - to five-year plans. But what best shows the productivity of a group of people, for example, a workshop, if not overfulfillment of the plan set by the authorities?


The expression "five-year plan in four years" became the personification of the race that went between the working people, a reflection of the desire to manage everything and even more, not just to catch up, but also to overtake, leaving it far behind. However, excesses occur everywhere. And that is why the expression also acquired a negative connotation in a number of situations. Often it is used to characterize the exorbitant demands of the authorities. For example: “They want us to fulfill the five-year plan in four years!”

Sobriety is the norm

A slogan that will be popular and not losing relevance for a very long time. Although there is no prohibition in the country now, the fight against excessive alcohol consumption is still ongoing. This statement is popular not only among politicians, but also among fighters for a healthy lifestyle, as well as among numerous religious figures of all faiths.

It should be noted that at different times, successes in this area also varied - alcohol consumption per capita then decreased to the minimum, then suddenly went up sharply, and with it the number of related problems in society increased, for example, the number of domestic crimes or serious health problems, including at the prenatal stage of development.