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The meaning of the phrase "pull the strap" - interpretation and application

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The meaning of the phrase "pull the strap" - interpretation and application
The meaning of the phrase "pull the strap" - interpretation and application

Video: Data-Driven: Using Course and Institutional Data for Continuous Improvement 2024, June

Video: Data-Driven: Using Course and Institutional Data for Continuous Improvement 2024, June

Many people pull their strap every day. Unloved work, troubles in his personal life, problems with parents - all this quickly undermines both the physical and moral health of a person. Today we will talk about the meaning of phraseology “pull the strap” and give tips on how to throw off a heavy load.

What is a webbing?

In the vocabulary of modern man, this word remains only in the meaning of a pen or strap. Few people know that in the XVIII century. the notion of “strap” meant a belt thrown over his shoulder. A rope or other thick rope was tied to it, and with the help of such a simple device, the soldiers dragged heavy weapons behind them. It was a difficult and sometimes thankless job. Over time, the idea that this method can be used to move not only weapons, but also other heavy structures, came to the minds of merchants. It was they who began to hire barge haulers who dragged ships to the port with the help of their developed muscles. Since ancient times, only commoners have been able to pull a strap: tramps, former convicts and impoverished peasants. Wealthy people never harnessed themselves to this device. We must pay tribute to the fact that the merchants paid pretty well for the labor of their wage workers.

Webbing in art


In 1873, one of the most famous paintings by I. Repin, "Barge Haulers on the Volga, " was painted. On this canvas people are painted, apparently tramps and impoverished peasants, who, tearing themselves, carry the ship against the current. This episode from the life of ordinary people greatly impressed the audience and, admittedly, still does not leave the audience indifferent. Indeed, few today can imagine what the strap of the 19th century looked like. And thanks to I. Repin, we have the opportunity to see her image in the Russian Museum.

The meaning of phraseology

The interpretation of the expression "pull the strap" is quite simple: "engage in heavy physical work." People without higher education, who know how to work well with their hands and not their heads, are applying for similar work both earlier and now. The work of such people is paid well, sometimes even higher than the work of educators, teachers or librarians.


The meaning of phraseology “pull the strap” is still great for people working in the factory. We are not talking about engineers or designers. We are talking about ordinary guys who collect parts or tighten the nuts in cars. Such classes are similar to construction work. A minimum of knowledge and a maximum of physical strength are applied.

If you describe the meaning of phraseology “pull the strap” in one word, then this can be called work. Moreover, exhausting, difficult and ungrateful.

Where is used

The meaning of phraseology “pull the strap” we understood, now look at the cases of its use. Quite often, a catch phrase can be found in classical literature. For example, N.V. Gogol wrote: “There you will work together, the hounds! And amicably, as we walked and raged before, take up work and sweat, dragging the strap under one song that was endless as Russia. ” Here, as you can see, the expression is used in its direct meaning. After all, the life of the barge haulers in the XIX century. occupied the minds of many people. Especially since steamboats were invented.

V. G. Belinsky in the same XIX century. used phraseologism in a figurative meaning: "… After all, for ten years I pulled the strap! But then a second lieutenant! ” You can clearly see how the winged expression was transformed. Pulling the strap was not only fashionable, but people just began to notice the fact that most compatriots earn money by doing hard and low-paid work.

How popular is phraseology

What the phrase “pull the strap” means, we have already figured out, but now let's think about how often we hear it in everyday life. To be honest, this phraseological unit is gradually emerging from our speech. It’s hard to say why. Perhaps, because now the meaning of the word “webbing” has changed, or maybe it’s just unpleasant for people to think that they carry an unbearable burden. Increasingly, our compatriots are no longer involved in hard physical work.


Foreigners are taking on these positions, and Russians without higher education prefer to work in call centers. There the salary is higher, and you do not need to spend a lot of energy. In principle, that one that the other work is inherently not much different. People are engaged in unloved work, changing time for money. And they are even aware of their actions. They fully understand the meaning of phraseology “pull the strap”. But our children and grandchildren, most likely, will not know the case of the use of this winged expression.

How to take a heavy load off your shoulders

The interpretation of phrases and catchphrases “pull the strap”, “work until the seventh sweat”, “work like a hard labor” is familiar to everyone without exception. So why do people not take into account the experience of generations and continue to engage in unloved work? The answer to the question is quite easy. It's all about education. Parents set up many children to make money only by spending 8-10 hours a day at work. Moreover, the lesson that you perform daily is not required to please you. Parents give iron arguments: "I work this way, father works that way, and you will work the same way." This education, aimed at work, is not bad, just the form of presentation leaves much to be desired. But it is worth considering that the older generation was brought up in the Soviet Union, where capitalism was considered a terrible evil. This is now hundreds of emails with information on how to open your business in 3 days.


To throw off the psychological framework that the parents hung, a person needs to work on himself. He must understand that in life, not everything is so bad. That it’s not necessary to work hard all day at an unloved job. You can engage in your hobby for half a day, which is quite capable of becoming the main source of income. Ideas are the engine of progress. If a person runs to work every day, and in the evening rest at the TV, then he will have to pull the strap until the end of his life. So isn’t it easier to spend one evening deciding how you can change your life. Yes, it may take a week or even a month. You may have to take advanced training courses or sign up for evening classes at the institute. But if this can improve life, then at least an attempt should be made.