
Call of the Wild: Archival photos of Clark Gable’s daughter, whose birth was a mystery to everyone

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Call of the Wild: Archival photos of Clark Gable’s daughter, whose birth was a mystery to everyone
Call of the Wild: Archival photos of Clark Gable’s daughter, whose birth was a mystery to everyone

Video: The Story of Clark Gable and Loretta Young's Daughter 2024, June

Video: The Story of Clark Gable and Loretta Young's Daughter 2024, June

Clark Gable is a real sex symbol of Hollywood. At one time, he was one of the most popular and sought-after actors. It was difficult to find a woman who would not like this handsome man with a mocking smile and the look of a seducer. Gable was married five times, but the only child the actor managed to meet in person was born in a strict secret out of wedlock.


Secret pregnancy

Loretta Young and Clark Gable met during the filming of Call of the Wild. Their communication was closer than expected for movie partners. Loretta became pregnant. But Clark was married at that time, and a single mother who gave birth to a child from a married man could hardly claim the love of the public.


That is why Young carefully concealed her pregnancy. The actress told the press that she was sick, and gave an interview, lying in bed under a pile of blankets that hid a rounded belly. On November 6, 1935, Judith was born in a small American town called Venice.

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Abandoned girl


The newborn baby was almost immediately sent to the orphanage of St. Elizabeth. Judith spent the first year and a half of her life in an orphanage. After Young still found her daughter and again played a good performance, announcing to the press that she decided to adopt the girl.


So Judith returned to the family, although for many years she did not know that Loretta was her mother, and not her adoptive mother. After some time, Young got married.

Only meeting with father

The information that Clark Gable is Papa Judith was carefully concealed. The actor himself met with his daughter only once. The girl remembered for a long time the moment when a tall, incredibly handsome man appeared in the room. True, that he is her father, Clark decided to remain silent. Gable and his daughter did not try to make any other contacts.


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At the age of 23, Judith Lewis (she took the name of her stepfather) became engaged to Joseph Tinnie. It was the fiancée who told the girl that all of Hollywood had been judging for many years about how similar Judith was to Clark Gable, who is supposedly her father.


Mother revealed her secret only after 8 years, after the death of the famous King of Hollywood. And in 1994, Judith published her autobiographical book, trying to describe the life of a girl who was abandoned by both mother and father. By the way, after the release of the memoirs, Young herself did not communicate with her daughter for three years, since she was against the publication of such personal details from her life.


Judith repeatedly said that she was very sorry about the lack of contact with her father. She watched Gone With the Wind a thousand times, watching Clark Gable, or rather, his character Rhett Butler, take care of her daughter. Judith was always wondering if his father had decided not to communicate with her voluntarily, or whether it was her mother Loretta who pushed him away.

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