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November 19 - Day of the Russian glass industry worker: why this date

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November 19 - Day of the Russian glass industry worker: why this date
November 19 - Day of the Russian glass industry worker: why this date

Video: Conference 24 november 2020 2024, July

Video: Conference 24 november 2020 2024, July

On November 19, Russia will celebrate the Worker Day in the glass industry. This is a special date for all people involved in the manufacture of glass and glass products. In 2019, the holiday falls on Tuesday. The date was not chosen by chance: on November 19 the great scientist Mikhail Lomonosov was born, who came up with a method for the chemical production of this material.


Holiday tradition

Now our life is hard to imagine without glass. We can not do without it in almost no area of ​​activity. We have windows in our houses with glass inserted, we use glassware, glasses and many artworks are made from it.

Celebrating Glazier’s Day in Russia began not so long ago - only since 2000. This event is celebrated by technologists, inspectors of the Quality Control Department, engineers, operators and controllers of glass equipment, as well as all employees of glass manufacturing enterprises: from glass blowers to professionals in the manufacture of glass containers, windows and other similar products.

Traditionally, concerts and awards for industry workers take place on this day. At factories where glass is produced, celebrations are held. In large cities, fairs and exhibitions of glass products are held.

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Glass details

This substance was first obtained by the Egyptians over 5, 000 years ago. The oldest glassware of Egyptian origin has been preserved. In Russia, glass production began in the 11th century. The Russians adopted the manufacturing technology of this material from the Byzantines.

Although the history of glass is very ancient, it began to be mass-produced only at the end of the 19th century. This was due to the invention of the Siemens-Martin furnace and the start of factory production of soda. Now glass is the main material used in the manufacture of packaging and in construction.
