the culture

Ethnicity is our story.

Ethnicity is our story.
Ethnicity is our story.

Video: Momondo: The DNA Journey | Ancestry 2024, July

Video: Momondo: The DNA Journey | Ancestry 2024, July

Ethnicity is a combination of cultural customs, religious dogmas, norms and morality, as well as a number of other characteristics that are inherent in a particular society. Each of us is familiar with a similar definition, but few thoroughly delve into its essence, origin and nature. Therefore, in order to dispel all doubts, we will try to consider this issue in the framework of this article.


So, ethnicity is, first of all, a trait inherent in a large number of people. The range of this concept includes language, clothing, moral and legal norms, traditions, religion, history (which can be fictitious). As we see, all of the above definitions are the fruit of human life and even creativity. They were created so that a certain group of people could have significant differences from another. Therefore, ethnicity is that which is inherent only to man, to a being who has the ability to distinguish his personality from the rest, not only on the basis of innate qualities, but also on the basis of acquired ones.


In different parts of our planet for thousands of years, various ethnic groups have developed. They had their patrons (natural, fictional, or represented by one person), their way of life and clothes (this factor depended on the region: in the tropics there was enough bamboo hut for living and a sheet as clothes, warm houses were built in the north with the provided heating system and animal skins were used as clothing), as well as our own dialect, which served as the key to communication. Of course, at the beginning of the existence of society, all words were fictitious and were not fixed on the letter.


Gradually, these communities turned into states, and so the definition of ethnicity was formed. It is worth noting immediately that this had nothing to do with racial characteristics and does not have today. There are not many races on Earth: white (Europe), yellow (East), black (Africa) and red (Native Americans). However, it is very difficult to count the number of ethnic groups, they appear and disappear, some complement the others.

Ethnicity is the environment in which a particular person was brought up. Using the simplest example, one can describe the development of the subject of society in Russia. A child belonging to our power and ethnic group speaks Russian from birth, celebrates New Year (instead of Christmas), eats pancakes and compote. It is also worth noting that, due to the geographical location, we all realize that winter alternates with summer, and in the first case it is worth dressing warmly. A child born in Mexico (if he is Latinos and has Spanish roots) speaks Spanish, his usual products are tacos, tortilla and salting, he is used to celebrating Christmas with his family and New Year in a noisy company. Of course, the Mexican does not need a fur coat or coat, since in this country all seasons are characterized by equally warm weather.

In general, a person’s ethnicity determines his type of behavior, temperament, and type of thinking. In part, all the traditions of peoples are associated with a geographical location, which is why some biological characteristics of people can also depend on them.