
Aleshin Igor Viktorovich: biography and photo of the general

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Aleshin Igor Viktorovich: biography and photo of the general
Aleshin Igor Viktorovich: biography and photo of the general

The Russian Lieutenant General, holder of the title of Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Igor Aleshin is a domestic uncompromising statesman who headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karelia (2006-2008), held a similar position in Bashkortostan, and was also Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia (2011-2012).


Start of activity

Aleshin Igor Viktorovich was born in the city of Kurgan in September (September 22), 1965. His father was a military man. In his youth, Aleshin was seriously fond of parachuting (more than seventy approaches). His second occupation, in addition to studying, was sambo, he took the third prize in the all-Union competition Dynamo (youth category).

The year 1987 is marked by an excellent graduation from the higher police school in Omsk in the field of law. He began to work actively in the communications department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kurgan Region. After studying for several years, he worked as an operative officer of the threat in the same Kurgan. In 1989, he received a transfer to the regional Omsk Department of Internal Affairs, where he held various positions in the criminal investigation case and in the field of solving economic crimes. In late 1999, Aleshin headed the Omsk Regional Department (economic crimes).

Career development

The native Russian Aleshin Igor Viktorovich, whose biography was for a long time connected with the police, later - the police, made a rapid career in this field.

Since 2002 (February), he has held the post of first deputy chief of the Omsk Regional Department of Internal Affairs, and in combination - the head of the criminal division. Since 2006 (December), for almost two years, I.V. Aleshin has been the head of the Karelian Ministry of the Interior. He stayed at a similar post in Bashkortostan from 2008 to 2011.


Aleshin Igor Viktorovich (police general) soon receives the updated rank of lieutenant general of the police and continues to lead the ministry in Bashkortostan.

A special order of the Russian president, then Dmitry Medvedev, Aleshin appointed deputy minister of internal affairs of the Federation (06/11/2011). In this post, the general stayed until the beginning of the summer of 2012.

Further activities

Subsequently, from mid-2012, Aleshin Igor Viktorovich has been working in the closed joint-stock company Madsi Group. There, he holds the post of assistant to the president for security, protection of company assets and personnel, and later becomes a member of the corporation's board. At this place I.V. Aleshin worked until the beginning of 2013.


Further general activities took place in the joint-stock company Mobile TeleSystems. Until May 2014, he served as adviser to the head and deputy president of security. Aleshin Igor Viktorovich, where is he currently working or serving? The following can be answered to this question: from the summer of 2014 to the present period, he has been working in a PJSC under the name MTS Bank, which is part of the Sistema joint stock complex. Here Igor Viktorovich holds the posts of senior deputy president and head of the department responsible for security.

Merits and Awards

During his service and public activities, Aleshin Igor Viktorovich, whose photo is presented below, was awarded various honorary signs and letters. In his track record:

  • medals ("For Merit to the Fatherland", "For Valiant Service");

  • Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

  • high rank "Honorary Employee";

  • well-deserved medals "Distinction in ensuring the protection of public order, excellent service with honors";

  • commemorative badge "For excellent service in the Ministry of the Interior."


Brief information about personal life

As you know, Aleshin Igor Viktorovich was brought up in a military family. About his family and friends in brief we can say the following:

  • dad - Aleshin V.V., a pilot by profession;

  • mother - Olga Maksimovna, worked as a fitter at the factory;

  • wife - Elena Nikolaevna, grew up in the family of a policeman, worked in the personnel department (Treasury of Petrozavodsk);

  • the eldest daughter Nastya - studying at a former police school, which his father successfully graduated from - the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Omsk);

  • the youngest daughter is Katya.

Interesting facts (excerpts from the interview)

In many interviews, the lieutenant general was often asked the question: "Aleshin Igor Viktorovich - candidate for governor of Karelia or not?" To this, he replied that he loved his native land very much, he liked peace and quiet, the absence of Moscow traffic jams, but he was sure that there would be worthy candidates for this post. He also has a responsible job in the capital, which he cannot leave yet.

In addition, reporters asked various provocative questions. For example, during the police-police reform, Aleshin was asked how quickly the modification would take place. Igor Viktorovich replied that it was impossible to completely update the internal affairs department at the click of a finger. However, the fact that all employees must undergo recertification and screening is unconditional. Based on the results of inspections and exams, worthy cadres will be selected who are ready to serve their people faithfully. At the same time, professionalism and the ability to communicate with people play an important role.

When asked if corruption could be completely eradicated, Aleshin replied that this was unlikely. However, it is necessary to increase the punishment for this. He noted that even in countries where the death penalty is provided for this crime, cases of corruption do occur. Such is the nature of man - to take that which lies badly.


Scandalous moments

In 2011-2012, a wave of rallies swept across Russia, and in particular in Moscow. Activists opposed unfair elections and demanded a review of the voting results. On May 6, 2012, security forces used special means to disperse demonstrators on Bolotnaya Square. There is information about dozens of victims and hundreds of detainees.

Activists claim that it was Igor Alyoshin who ordered the demonstrators to be dispersed by force. By the way, shortly after these events, the lieutenant general resigned as deputy minister.