
Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich: biography and creativity

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Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich: biography and creativity
Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich: biography and creativity

It will be about a wonderful man and master of his craft Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich. He is a famous Soviet graphic artist, teacher, painter, professor and stage designer. We learn more about his biography, and also get acquainted with his work.

Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich: biography

The hero of our article was born in 1903, November 26. The boy was born in the family of a lawyer. The boy's mother was a merchant. As a child, he studied at the Moscow gymnasium. From 1920 to 1925 he studied at VKHUTEMAS at the faculties of painting and printing. He took lessons from S. Malyutin and V. Favorsky. Since 1923, he worked in magazines. After he graduated in 1925, he became the founder of the Society of Easel Workers.

Soon Pimenov discovered himself as an artist. At this time, he worked as a decorator in the theater. In this matter, he also greatly excelled, because he was a creative person. He was called the master of the advertising film poster, in which he resorted to the use of elements of easel art.

In 1954, the man was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, and in 1962 he became its honorary member. In 1966 he signed a letter directed to L. Brezhnev against the historical rehabilitation of I. Stalin. This was a letter from 25 cultural and scientific figures.


As for the personal life of the hero of our article, he certainly had it. In addition to falling in love, which happened in his youth, the man was always faithful to one and the main woman in his life - his wife Natalya Konstantinovka Bernadskaya. The couple in love entered into marriage in 1931. Unfortunately, there were no children in the family.

Our hero died in 1977, September 6. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery. Pimenov’s parents were buried at Danilovsky cemetery.


Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich wrote a few essays, but each of them penetrates to the core. The list of his works is short, but lengthy. A man wrote with rather long intervals, as for a writer. However, he did not consider himself a writer at all. In 1958, he wrote the essay "In the Moscow Region", which is in the collection of his short stories "Notes of the Artist."

Two years later, his collection Year of Travels was published in the USSR. In the same year - 1960 - he published "The Art of Living or" The Art of Nothing "." A new collection appeared only after 8 years and it was called "New Quarters". In 1974 - “The Mysterious World of Spectacles”.


Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich: paintings

It is worth saying that at the beginning of his career Yuri Ivanovich Pimenov was greatly influenced by the masters of German expressionism. And this is noticeable in his paintings. One has only to recall the terribly intense dramatic atmosphere of one of his best paintings "Disabled People of War", which he wrote in 1926. At the moment, she, by the way, is in the State Russian Museum. The same mood is reflected in the film “Give Heavy Industry!” and "Soldiers are on the side of the revolution." The last picture is in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Over time, the artist Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich changed his views. He became a follower of renewed impressionism. The main thing for him was the chanting of the “wonderful moment”, which is so wonderful and so short. His paintings began to reflect lighter and more inspired images.


The two most famous paintings of our hero are “New Moscow”, written in 1937, as well as “Front Road” (1944).