
“Fossil fuels in general are evil,” “peak oil,” and a few more myths for those who sincerely want to fight climate change.

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“Fossil fuels in general are evil,” “peak oil,” and a few more myths for those who sincerely want to fight climate change.
“Fossil fuels in general are evil,” “peak oil,” and a few more myths for those who sincerely want to fight climate change.

Video: How is peak oil linked to global warming? 2024, July

Video: How is peak oil linked to global warming? 2024, July

Climate changes that are observed on our planet concern many people, and every day those who are not indifferent to this problem and understand how important it is for the lives of our descendants are becoming more and more. But there are many myths to be aware of in this topic.

Fight climate change

The fact that there are many myths in this topic that are actually an obstacle to the real fight against climate change, said the author of the book on this topic, Mark Jakkard. In his opinion, many people who are really concerned about the climate problem and the consequences of its change are fixated on problems that are actually not so important, thereby missing the true essence of the situation and what really needs to be changed.


Mythbusting Book

Mark Jaccard is an economist at Simon Fraser University in Canada. He recently released a book designed to debunk the most common myths about climate change and show people that you should turn your attention to completely different points, which are still quite realistic to change. Mark Jakkard is well versed in this issue, for many years he was a consultant to the government on climate policy.

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"We can save the planet!"

The economist is fully confident in this and calls on all the inhabitants of the planet to do just that. At the same time, he focuses on the fact that in order to save the planet it is not at all necessary to scare everyone and everyone with possible consequences for the Earth by a changing climate, but you need to direct your forces to other actions. In particular, on the motivation of politicians, whom he classifies as "environmentally sincere", who should do the main job - quickly develop and implement new rules designed to change the situation with a changing climate.

After all, it was precisely the decisive actions of many people that led politicians to listen and contribute to the elimination of phenomena such as acid rain and the use of chlorofluorocarbons, which had a destructive effect on ozone. And now the moment has come when ordinary people can and should do it again. But first, they must understand what is true in climate issues and what is just myths.


Is fossil fuel evil?

One of the most common thoughts regarding a changing climate is that fossil fuels as a whole are evil that should be abandoned. However, Jaccard notes in his book this postulate as a myth, refuting this idea. People should remember that without oil, gas and coal, almost all of the things that surround man today would not be possible. Many activists argue that humanity may well completely abandon fossil fuels, which will lead to an improvement in the environment and stop the rapid climate change. But this, of course, is impossible to do in practice. After all, renewable technologies are still very expensive, and in an economically developing world they are not at all as affordable as it seems at first glance. Many people do not live in poverty precisely because states use the very gas, oil and coal that activists propose to stop mining and consuming.

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Peak oil

Mark Jakkard debunking the myth of the so-called "peak oil." Many people on our planet are absolutely sure that oil reserves are not simply not inexhaustible, but will run out completely literally just about, almost tomorrow. But this is far from reality, the economist believes. And proof of this is the activity of various oil companies, which are finding more and more new methods and technologies in order to extract oil from the bowels of the earth. Yes, the problem exists, admits Mark Jakkard, but at the moment it is not as relevant as many others. And people should pay attention to something really real, and not focus on problems, the solution of which for now can be postponed for a while.

Decarbonization Reduction

Mark Jaccard, as an adviser to the government, has made significant progress in decarbonization in his country. As for resolving this issue in other countries, the economist is confident that people in different countries have different views on specific situations in other states. In particular, for a long time they can deny some problems that are worth solving, while other countries will already begin to eliminate them. The same thing happens with the issue of decarbonization, which he calls on ordinary people and politicians to look realistic.

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Keep moving forward

All people should look at solving environmental problems in other countries. Somewhere, what steps the government has taken earlier, and other countries should pay attention to this work and try to learn from the experience of the leading countries in environmental issues. As happened with acid rain and sulfur emissions from US coal-fired power plants. Factories at that moment ceased to exist for 10 years, but the process was started, although it lasted quite a long time. And the US example was followed by some other countries. We need to be able to convince other countries of the need to actively act in the interests of the environment, and not ourselves to rest on our laurels, but to move forward, says Jaccard.

Carbon taxes

It is precisely to this measure of combating carbon emissions that activists call for resorting to. However, Mark Jaccard calls this method mythical, claiming that flexible rules will be no less effective. He argues that imposing high carbon taxes will not work and will not be an economically sound solution.
