
The Russian "slumdog millionaire" - a lonely old man who gave all the accumulated money to children

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The Russian "slumdog millionaire" - a lonely old man who gave all the accumulated money to children
The Russian "slumdog millionaire" - a lonely old man who gave all the accumulated money to children

Sometimes in our life some things happen that at first glance seem not quite clear and can even be said illogical. Nevertheless, despite the fact that now the time is right when dry calculation, cynicism and rigidity in relations between people rule everything on the planet, there are still men who can commit a real act completely disinterestedly and not publicizing it with a view to gaining fame and recognition.

We will talk about such a person, whose name is Evgeny Popov, in the most detailed way in the article, because his generosity may well serve as a good example for the younger generation and be an edification to us all that life is not only money, but also mutual respect and love.



In January 2018, the Gavrosh Children's Rehabilitation Center, located in the village of Gam in the Komi Republic, received an amount equal to one million Russian rubles to its bank account. And the money came from an unknown donor. However, the leadership of the social institution decided to find out who this mysterious philanthropist is. It turned out to be a resident of the village of Aikino, pensioner Evgeny Vasilievich Popov.

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The man did not spread his truly noble deed, and only because the teenagers from Gavrosh came to thank him personally, and the public became aware of the incident.


Millionaire or disinterested?

The pensioner's house is located on the banks of the Vychegda River in the village of Aikino. Being within the walls of his possessions, it is difficult to believe that Evgeny Vasilievich was the owner of a whole million rubles. In his house it is quite dark and very cold - the owner almost never takes off his quilted jacket. The interior also leaves much to be desired: an old iron bed, a faded curtain on the window, which, incidentally, is not even plastic, but an old wooden one, a clock that has not worked for a long time with a fight, and a small TV covered with fabric.

The old man’s radio point always works loudly. As he himself says, he has been interested in politics for a long time and seriously. Here in this room there are empty tanks, where several times a week social workers pour water from a well.


Where does the money come from?

Evgeny Popov began to save his first and only one million back in 1954. It was then that he graduated from high school and got a job as a teacher in a local village school. In it, he taught history to children for forty years.

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Initially, a man saved money just as they say, “for a rainy day”, but later he set out to acquire his own housing with amenities. He then set aside money from his salary and carried them at 200-300 rubles. At the same time, the amount was stored on six bank books. Why not on one? He believed that it would be more reliable.


About 30 years ago, a pensioner almost reached the desired dream, but realized that he still could not collect the required amount and the purchase of his corner was canceled. But he continued to collect money, although more out of habit. He himself decided to stay in his father's house.


Important decision

In the fall of 2017, Evgeny Vasilievich saw that a very decent amount had already accumulated on his account and he was even afraid that the money could go to dust. And all because during his life Popov never got a wife or children. Thus, he even had no one to leave his inheritance. And at the same time, a newspaper caught his eye, where he read articles that the children's social rehabilitation center was in distress from a lack of funding. “They will stay with the money, ” the pensioner decided.

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It is noteworthy, but he did not even hold all the funds accumulated over 64 years. And Yevgeny Vasilyevich does not regret it. In addition, he completely entrusted all his financial affairs to his former colleague, and the money was transferred from books to the Gavrosh account.


By the way, in the corner of one of the rooms of Popov’s house is an old icon of the Mother of God. And looking at her, willy-nilly think about the reasons that prompted this elderly man to commit such an act. However, the pensioner himself claims that he inherited the icon from his parents, and he does not consider himself a believer, although he has been to church in his life.

In turn, the director of the rehabilitation center, Nadezhda Astashkova, is surprised at the act of Yevgeny Vasilyevich and says that she was not even familiar with him before. However, after such an incident, she, along with her wards, came to the old man to see him already alive and to personally thank for such a gesture of goodwill. It was also decided to provide volunteer assistance to the pensioner, helping him with the housework. As for the money received, they will go to furniture, computers for children and the repair of the veranda that collapsed in the center.