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What is a feed and who needs it?

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What is a feed and who needs it?
What is a feed and who needs it?

Video: BANKS - Gemini Feed 2024, June

Video: BANKS - Gemini Feed 2024, June

With the development of information technology and an increase in the number of Internet users in the Russian language, a lot of new words have appeared, the meaning of which is so far understood only by programmers and other narrow specialists.

However, knowledge of the meanings of technical terms will be useful to ordinary users. What is a feed and who needs it? Even if this word is not useful in everyday life, it is always useful to increase your level of education and expand your horizons.

What is a feed?

From the English language, the word feed translates as "graze" or "feed." From a technical point of view, such a translation accurately enough reflects the essence of this term: it is an information display format created by Google, the purpose of which is to supply information to search robots.

To understand what a feed is, it’s enough to submit a news feed that lists the names of articles, their authors, publication dates and other information useful to the reader.

The feed news feed differs from the usual feed in that it is designed for the Google search robot. This program scans sites, collects information, and then uses it in the formation of search results. A feed may include a list of informational articles, a list of products from online stores, various announcements, as well as ad units.


How does a feed help site development?

Website owners are interested in getting to the first page of search results: this ensures a steady flow of new visitors. Thanks to the feed feed, Google’s robots can quickly learn about new materials published on the page, index data for a shorter period of time, which as a result can help the site rise higher in search results.

Feeds can also be used by various aggregators to automatically distribute information on social networks and other similar sites, notify blog subscribers about new publications, and generate email newsletters.


It is likely that other search engines, such as Yandex or, use the feed to collect data, but there is no confirmation of this information. Search ranking algorithms are a secret of corporations and inaccessible to ordinary users.

Knowing what a feed is, the owners of Internet resources can put it into practice, but no one can guarantee that this will affect the position of the site.