
What is a South American pampa?

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What is a South American pampa?
What is a South American pampa?

Video: Argentina: Protecting the Pampas | Global 3000 2024, July

Video: Argentina: Protecting the Pampas | Global 3000 2024, July

There are places about which we have heard a lot, but have little idea what it is. The same can be said about pampas in South America. An interesting name is known to many by the lines of the song. But it turned out that there are no bison in the pampas, but there are many other interesting animals and plants.

What is pampas (pampas)?


Under such an interesting name, a quite ordinary concept for us is hidden - the steppes. These, in fact, are the pampas. The only difference is that they are located only in one place on the planet - in South America. Pampa extends in the southern part of the meridional trough between the Brazilian Highlands and the Andes. It surrounds the La Plata estuary on all three sides, and in the southeast and east goes to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the territory of the pampa falls on Uruguay, as well as the northeastern region of Argentina and southern Brazil.

Relief and geological structure

Steppes (pampa) are flat or hilly flat terrain. The relief is characterized by the alternation of meridional Hercynian and Precambrian ridges, which is expressed in a combination of deep basins and flat plains. The eastern pampa gradually merges with the so-called Western, or Sukhoi, which is bounded from the west by the block ridges of the Pre-Cordillera. They are separated from each other by understated areas of the earth's crust (grabens). Their bottom sinks to a depth of 2000 meters, they can be completely or partially filled with salt marshes, salt lakes or swamps.

Climatic conditions


Pampa of South America is located in the subtropical climate zone, therefore, almost throughout the year, this territory is influenced by air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean. Precipitation (about 2000 mm per year) is evenly distributed, droughts are extremely rare. However, the plains of the Dry Pampa begin to experience the influence of the continental climate. Precipitation decreases (300-500 mm), becomes less uniform, most of them occur in the summer.

Having an idea of ​​what a pampa is and where it is located, it is easy to guess that a hot summer is typical for this territory: the temperature ranges from 25 to 45 ° С. It reaches its maximum value in the interfluve of Parana and Uruguay. The area is characterized by hot and humid winds from the north. Average temperatures in winter are also positive, but in some places there can be frosts and even frosts (up to -10 ° C in the territory of a wet pump). Snow falls very rarely and immediately melts, no cover is formed.

The interfluve area is well watered by numerous tributaries of Uruguay and Parana. However, advancing further, it can be noted that the number of rivers on the wet pamp territory is much smaller, while in the dry one they are only temporary and full-flowing only during heavy rains. But a lot of salt ponds and groundwater, which could not but affect the flora and fauna.

Plant world of pampa

Now the pampa of South America is almost completely used for agricultural purposes (arable land, pastures and villages near them). Natural vegetation and ecosystems are preserved only in a small area. Flora is rich, cereal plants occupy a dominant position (about 1000 species). Vegetation directly depends on the soil and the amount of rainfall. So in Uruguay and in the south of Brazil forests prevail. They are formed mainly in river valleys. The forest is characterized by evergreen species (araucaria, bamboo, Paraguayan tea, rhomboid iodine, kebracho, etc.) and lianas.


In the open spaces between the rivers they are replaced by cereal plants, and the wet pamp territory is completely occupied by them. It is especially worth noting such a species as pampas grass, or the Sello cortaderia (pictured above). This is a perennial plant reaching a height of up to 4 meters. Forms large turfs resembling bumps. Due to its high decorative appearance and spectacular flowering (panicles can be white, pinkish or purple in size up to 40 cm), it has gained high popularity among gardeners and gardeners. The dry pampa is characterized by a low level of precipitation, therefore it looks like a typical semi-desert, the soils are becoming less fertile, a large number of salt marshes appear. Here, the vegetation is very poor and is represented by thorny shrubs, cacti.

Animal world pampa

The fauna has also undergone major changes in connection with human activities. Not the largest group should include those who are able to move quickly (in search of food, water and shelter). These are a few predators (including the cougar and the cat Geoffrey), pampas deer, mustangs (once brought by the Spaniards and feral horses), asar opossum, etc.


For the pampa, an abundance of species of birds and rodents is more characteristic. Most of the birds are classified as migratory. They fly into the pampa for nesting and hatching chicks. We mention only some species: ipikaha, ibis, tinama, etc. The latter species looks like a partridge familiar to everyone, only the plumage color is brighter. Also, one of the ancient birds - the ostrich nandu (pictured) belongs to the inhabitants of the pampa. Of rodents, it is worth noting nutria, whiskey.