
How to look into a deep hole on Mars? NASA scientists and engineers managed to do this

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How to look into a deep hole on Mars? NASA scientists and engineers managed to do this
How to look into a deep hole on Mars? NASA scientists and engineers managed to do this

Video: InSight hopes to dig deeper into Mars by drilling the surface - Daily Mail 2024, June

Video: InSight hopes to dig deeper into Mars by drilling the surface - Daily Mail 2024, June

Mars has always attracted the attention of scientists. After all, this is the planet closest to the Earth, where theoretically life or its traces can be detected. In addition, Mars is available for study by modern technology. Now researchers are interested in a hole deep into the ground.


What was discovered on Mars

The NASA apparatus from which the images were taken revolves around a red planet at an altitude of 260 km from its surface. At such a distance, the camera can detail objects about a meter in size. Theoretically, it can photograph what is inside a hole. Now, with its help, research is being conducted on this object. Such geological formations are among the most mysterious on Mars. They have their own capabilities. Probably in the future there will be a research base, which, being in this pit, will be sheltered from the aggressive effects of the external environment.


This failure is located in Tractus Fossay. In this region, there are many large ranges and depressions that formed during ancient tectonic activity near the giant volcanic elevation of Tarsis, which includes 3 large volcanoes. If the apparatus landed in this area, scientists would have the opportunity to investigate the failure more thoroughly.


Tunnel walls are poorly visible, but scientists have ruled out the possibility of side tunnels starting from the walls.