
Mushroom deer horns: description, distribution, edibility

Mushroom deer horns: description, distribution, edibility
Mushroom deer horns: description, distribution, edibility

Video: Deer Mushroom — Edible, But Is It Worth Eating? 2024, June

Video: Deer Mushroom — Edible, But Is It Worth Eating? 2024, June

Mushroom deer horns (coral, horned) is scientifically called golden ramaria or yellow ramaria. The fact is that these are two different species, but so similar that only experienced biologists can distinguish them in laboratory conditions. Morphological data and taste in these varieties are almost identical. Mushroom deer horns can often be found in pine trees on white moss. Very often there are very large specimens - weighing about 1 kg. Sometimes in order to cook dinner for the whole family, only a few slingshots are enough. This worm does not affect macromycetes, with the exception of wireworms. An interesting fact is that many "silent hunters" pass by these amazing mushrooms, not even suspecting that they are edible.



Mushrooms, deer horns, despite their exotic appearance, are edible. They belong to the fourth mushroom category. It is best to eat young specimens. Old mushrooms have an unpleasant aftertaste, and bitterness also appears in them. Mushroom deer horns are used in cooking for cooking various dishes. It can be salted, fried, boiled soup out of it, but the hornet is best suited for cooking second courses. Deer horns taste like chicken or shrimp (depending on the method of preparation). They have an unusually delicate flesh.


Reindeer horns are mushrooms whose body grows vertically and resembles branching sea coral or deer horns, for which they received their popular names. The average specimen reaches a width of 7-16 cm, but there are mushrooms exceeding a width of 20 cm. An interesting fact is that their height, as a rule, coincides with the width. The color of the hornet is yellow, golden yellow or light brown. In older specimens, it is bright orange.


The pulp is golden white, watery, very fragile and delicate, with a pleasant smell. In the air during a fault or cut, it quickly changes color to brown (with a red tint). In overripe mushrooms, when pressed on the leg, the flesh acquires a red or blood-red hue. The fruit body consists of many branches with blunt tips. Externally, macromycete resembles coral. Its surface is dry, smooth and matte.


Mushroom deer horns is common in the temperate and northern zones of Eurasia and North America. Grows in groups, prefers mossy and moist areas of soil in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests. Sometimes it forms large communities, can grow in rows or arcs, forming “witch rings”. Especially the hornet likes pine trees, but does not disdain beech-hornbeam massifs. It occurs in the lower and middle zones of the mountains. The best time for collecting is August-October. In the southern regions, deer horns are harvested even in winter.



Reindeer horns, or golden (yellow) ramaria, have quite a lot of doubles - coral-like mushrooms similar to them. However, they are all inedible, and some are poisonous. For an experienced person to distinguish a hornet from others is not difficult. However, if the mushroom picker does not have too much experience or is a novice at all, it is better not to “hunt” for mushrooms deer horns. Photos of them are available in this article.