
Analysis of the article: procedure, application

Analysis of the article: procedure, application
Analysis of the article: procedure, application

Video: Qualitative analysis of interview data: A step-by-step guide for coding/indexing 2024, July

Video: Qualitative analysis of interview data: A step-by-step guide for coding/indexing 2024, July

Any article (scientific, news, narrative) must meet certain requirements, otherwise it would be difficult and extremely uninteresting to read. Therefore, it would be useful for the authors to analyze the article before its publication. Moreover, if the article does not go to the editor for verification, and, bypassing this stage, is immediately sent to the reader.

Of course, it is rather difficult to objectively evaluate your own article (for this, the position of editor at publishing houses was introduced). Experts advise, after writing, to postpone it for some time, return in a day or two (not earlier) and re-read, check for errors: both grammatical, spelling, and stylistic.

However, a thorough analysis of the article (in the true sense of the term) is an analysis of the article according to the criteria: structural (introduction, main part, conclusion), integrity (unity of structural parts), correspondence of the content to the stated topic and information content.

Each analysis involves writing a report on it, in which comments on each criterion will be reflected, as well as conclusions about the way of writing, about the style of the author.

Structural and integrity

The article should consist of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. Each of them should be in meaning related to the previous one. Moreover, throughout the article, the main idea passes through a red thread. In the introduction, the author declares it, in the main part reveals it, and in the end approves it. This article will really be useful to the reader.

Informational content

The value of the article is increased by bringing facts, mentioning various points of view of experts, by bringing statistics and research results. All these information elements of the article will be reflected in the main part.

Compliance of the content with the declared topic

It would seem that the main idea of ​​the article should be the topic. But no. A topic is that subject or phenomenon that is discussed in the article. And the main idea is a certain statement regarding the declared topic. The absence of the main idea in the article makes it meaningless, and although the article may be informative, narrative, it will not be interesting.


Having finished the analysis of the article according to the main criteria, a general conclusion should be made on the points:

- as far as the topic is revealed, some moments have not been revealed. Sometimes, by the way, as an artistic device, the question disclosed in the article can be left unanswered. But not in the case of a scientific article. Only with respect to narrative articles, such a technique will play into the hands of the author.

- style of presentation of the author. In addition to indicating the style, the analysis of the article can be supplemented by a listing of the techniques used. They are also called means of expressiveness: comparison, personification, epithet, winged phrases, expressive vocabulary, rhetorical question. And also it is worth highlighting the features of the author's language, its unique features.

This work algorithm is suitable for almost all cases, but there are some features regarding the analysis of a scientific article, an article from a newspaper.

Analysis of a scientific article

The difference in parsing is more likely to be noticed at the time of writing the conclusions. Here it is necessary to indicate not only the style - scientific, but also its sub-style (popular-scientific, scientific-educational, scientific-technical).

Analysis of an article from a newspaper

Parsing is complicated by the need to compare information with a reliable source. As well as checking for relevance, objectivity.

Analysis of the article allows you to realize your own shortcomings, for example, notice the use of cognates. An analysis of the article before my eyes will help to finally make changes in ourselves, which will increase the value of the author, his professionalism. In this example, the change will be a reference to the dictionary of antonyms and synonyms. The use of different words in the article, but identical in meaning, will diversify the narrative and increase the reader’s interest. Also, the author will be able to improve himself in other moments identified by analysis; will allow you to see the shortcomings of a particular article and correct them before publication.

The analysis of the article is especially important when placing it in serious sources: a specialized magazine, in a portfolio, in a book review …