
Daphne ordinary: botanical description and classification

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Daphne ordinary: botanical description and classification
Daphne ordinary: botanical description and classification

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Video: Names of Flowers in English | Types of flowers 2024, July

What kind of plant is the common wolf (wolf bast, common wolfberry)? Why does it have such a name? What species are there in nature and where do they grow? It makes sense to understand the classification features, the specifics of growing and using the plant.


Daphne ordinary

Surely many saw a spectacular low tree or shrub with juicy green leaves and bright red fruits that remain on the branches for a long time. This is no coincidence. There is an opinion that any beauty can be insidious. So an ordinary wolfberry (photo above) is beautiful and effective at first glance. But if you learn its features, it becomes clear why nobody eats delicious berries, and leaves and branches rarely break thoughtlessly.

According to the specification, plants of the family of the wolf family are called Daphne. From Greek, this word is translated as “laurel”. This is because the leaves of these species have clear similarities. Another version of the name is associated with a legend from the time of ancient Greece. According to the legend, a nymph named Daphne, running away from Apollo burning with passion, asked the goddess of the Earth, Gaia, to shelter her from her pursuer. And she, without hesitation, turned the runaway into a spectacular laurel tree.


Daphne ordinary: description

The plant belongs to the angiosperms from the class of dicotyledons, is in the row of muliflowers. In the family of wolves, the genus Daphne is distinguished. The plant is compact, has the appearance of a shrub, reaching a height of 1.5 meters. The root system lies superficially; it can be easily damaged during tillage. Krohn the wolf forms a cup-shaped or sprawling. The leaves are smooth, dense and stiff, have the shape of an ellipse or lanceolate. On a branch are arranged alternately.

There are plants that dump foliage, and evergreen species. Small flowers are formed on shoots that have grown over the previous vegetative period. In shape, they can be assembled into a bundle, head, brush. They vary in color (from white and shades of yellow to saturated pink). Known for a pleasant aroma reminiscent of lilac. Flowering can last up to one month. The inedible fruits-berries formed after ripening have a glossy appearance and can be yellow, red or black.

Our wild-growing species, called the wolf's bast, is distinguished by the strength of the bark on the trunk. It is difficult to break it with your hands, do not try to bite your teeth. Touching the mucous membranes is fraught with poisoning. The plant is a poisonous species. Moreover, all parts of the bush cause harm to humans and animals.



Wolf bast (Daphne vulgaris) in the wild can be found on the edges of forests, in mixed thickets, groomed gardens. Distributed throughout Russia, found in Siberia and the Caucasus. It lives in the conditions of flat terrain and in the mountains. In the wild, it is not drowned out by a higher growth. Transferred to cultural conditions, it is gradually being transformed and developed to the maximum species size.

Prefers a shaded area on nutrient-rich light soil. It grows well in a humid area with good drainage. Carries pruning, forming a crown in the desired direction. It can be used to decorate gardens and landscaping areas. It is resistant to common pests and viral infections. Aphids and gray rot can present a certain danger during cultivation.



Daphne vulgaris is a typical representative of the middle band. In total, in the family of experts, almost 70 species are distinguished. Separation is carried out depending on the region of growth. Many representatives are named on this basis (Alpine, Caucasian, Altai, Circassian, Kamchatka, Crimean, etc.). Some species from the family also grow in Asia, Western Europe, North Africa. Many Dáphne have been selected and acclimatized in different regions.

The plant subspecies have characteristic differences (leaf shape, inflorescences, overall height, shade of flowers and their aroma, shape of berries). Often it is these features that are the causes of the change in the names of daphne (silky and false-silky, odorous or fragrant). Another specification is characteristic of species that are similar to other plants (laurel, olive-like).

Some names of varieties of Daphne can be understood even by a simple layman (pine forest, narrow-leaved, crowded, daphne-flowered). Other peculiarities of wolfworms (Genkva, Jesuit, Pontic, Gutta) are known and understood only by specialists who know the specific features of shrubs growing in different climatic zones.


Growing Features

The wolf bast plant (Daphne vulgaris) is characterized by unpretentiousness and adaptability to the growing environment. In harsh climates, the shrub well withstands frost. As a decorative look is appreciated for the early flowering period (April) and the relative duration of this period.

The wolf reproduces by seeds, layering of the root system. You can divide the formed bush or plant cuttings in the prepared soil. When sowing, it is preferable to use fresh ripe berries, since during storage the percentage of growth decreases. In a typical environment, the shrub gives self-seeding. In this case, not all fallen fruits sprout.

When planting seeds in the soil in the fall, they maintain a depth of not more than 3 cm. The processes appear in the spring. For cultivation, the soil is cultivated, mulching, watered, and weed control. A year after sowing (August - September), young shoots are transplanted to a permanent place, choosing a shaded area.

For the next spring, it is advisable to carry out complex fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. When planting, you can make peat in advance. Pruning and shaping of the crown is carried out in the first years of development. In the future, intensive growth of shoots is not observed and it is only necessary to monitor their condition (sanitary pruning). Transplanting adult bushes to a new location can lead to negative results. Therefore, resort to this only if absolutely necessary.


Daphne ordinary for many valuable appearance. It is planted to ennoble the garden or the site adjacent to the house. It finds application in rock gardens as a decorative element of a complex landscape composition. The whole plant is decorative. Used in the garden as a background element, it can border the edges of the zones of the plot, paths and paths.

Separately, berries are distinguished for a bright and juicy appearance, flowers - for the tenderness of shades and the spread of aroma. Another important feature is early and profuse flowering. Due to this, the daphne is planted on the site as the first honey plant.

In folk medicine, common wolfwort is practically not used. Earlier, the practice of using crushed bark and its extract as an irritant for bites of snakes and rabid animals was mentioned. Berries were used by artists to make paints.
