
Beatrice Dahl: films, biography, personal life

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Beatrice Dahl: films, biography, personal life
Beatrice Dahl: films, biography, personal life

Video: Biography Of Beatrix Potter | Biography | Writer | The Greats Shortcuts 2024, June

Video: Biography Of Beatrix Potter | Biography | Writer | The Greats Shortcuts 2024, June

For millions of people in our country, cinema plays an important role. This can not be argued, since often it is a variety of films and television series that help us survive the most unpleasant moments in life. At the same time, as you know, finding a really cool movie has recently become a very difficult task, because new projects come out every day, but not everyone has an exciting plot, excellent acting and good directing. Today we will talk about one actress who represents France.


Beatrice Dahl is a confident girl who today is one of the most popular actresses in France. In this article we will discuss in detail the biography of this lady, filmography and learn a little about her personal life.


This girl was born on December 19, 1964 in the city of Brest (France). The mother of the actress discussed today was an ordinary seamstress, who loves to invent various outfits for her little daughter that carried a peculiar historical bias. Beatrice did not want to study, and on the third day of study at the Lyceum, she was expelled from there. At 14, a self-confident girl left home, and after 2 years she already independently lived in Paris. By the way, at the age of 18 Beatrice Dahl, whose films are watched by millions with great pleasure today, first got married.

In addition, then a terrible story happened. The wedding took place in 1985, and just three years later the newlyweds decided to leave. The actress's lover was Jean-Francois Dahl, who a few months after the divorce committed suicide.


Youth and the first steps to fame

Beatrice spent all her free time at various discos, visiting the clubs of Paris, but once she was noticed by a photographer who made her an offer to become a model of Photo Revue magazine. After some time, the photos of the girl were published in a series called "Lolita from the street."

When the magazine was released, Dominic Besnear, who recommended Beatrice to his friends, drew attention to the young girl, so she took part in the filming of the cinematic work of Jean-Jacques Benex, which is called "37.2 degrees in the morning."

Then began the career of Beatrice Dahl, whose biography has already been discussed in this material. And now let's talk in more detail about the personal life of the lady.


Personal life

We already talked a little about this girl’s first marriage, so we won’t discuss those interesting events again. The second time Beatrice got married in 2005, and her lover was a prisoner in a prison in the city of Brest. Her man's name is Gunel Meziani: he is 10 years younger than the actress and is in prison for rape.

The lovers met when Beatrice came to prison for charity work. It is difficult to imagine what will come of this marriage, but it is quite possible that everything will be fine.

Career in cinema

Beatrice Dahl, whose personal life is rather difficult to understand, is now 52 years old, and during her entire career she has taken part in only 63 films. Unfortunately, not all films are translated into Russian, so today we will discuss only a few cinematographic works, in which the actress discussed today took a direct part.


By the way, here are all the films that have at least a Russian name: “37.2 degrees in the morning”, “Charlie Spencer was kidnapped!”, “Vision of the Sabbath”, “Chimera”, “Black Forest”, “Revenge of a Woman”, “Night on Earth” ”, “ Beautiful story ”, “ Daughter of the air ”, “ I can’t sleep ”, “ Six days ”, “ Six nights ”, “ Slaughtered to death ”, “ Amnesia ”, “ To limit ”, “ Tony ”, “ Absolute truth ” ", " Whatever the day is trouble ", " History N ", " Men Cecile Kassar ", " Time of the Wolves ", " Ears on the back ", " Process ", " Cleansing ", " Solar Gate ", " Uninvited guests ", "In Your Dreams", "Golden Head", "Bandit s ”, “ Office of God ”, “ Revenge of the Unborn ”, “ New Wave ”, “ Manor ”, “ Our Paradise ”, “ Buy, Buy, Blondie! ”, “ Bank ”, “ Morning Star ”, “ Meetings after Midnight ”, "Red Fox", "My Sisters", "Among the Living", "Alphabet of Death 2", as well as others.

Now, let's continue to discuss Beatrice Dahl in more detail. The filmography of this actress is really very important, so now we will talk in more detail about the two films with her participation.

Revenge of the Unborn (2007)

This French horror film appeared on the screens on May 24, 2007, it tells us about the events that take place in the life of a girl named Sarah. The heroine became the culprit of a car accident, as a result of which her husband died. She was lucky, because the child, who should be born in the near future, survived, like herself. However, the whole point of the project is that when the heroine falls asleep, she gets into a nightmare.

Sara still does not even realize that very soon what was in a dream will happen in reality. Let's see what comes of this!

In general, the film is interesting, reviews about it are positive. Spectators praised the horror film Revenge of the Unborn.
