
Elizaveta Listova: biography, family, activity

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Elizaveta Listova: biography, family, activity
Elizaveta Listova: biography, family, activity



Listova Elizaveta Leonidovna is a well-known Russian TV presenter and journalist. Most of the viewers are familiar with it on the programs of the NTV, Rossiya, TV-6 and TVS channels. Having worked on television for more than two decades, Listova does not stop improving her professional skills and regularly broadcasts new projects.


The family of a journalist

Elizaveta Leonidovna Listova, whose biography will be considered in this publication, was born in Moscow on December 30, 1971. The girl’s mother Tatyana worked as a theater expert, dad Leonid worked as an engineer. Listova’s parents divorced, and subsequently his father left for Germany, where he began to study music. After the dissolution of the marriage, Lisa’s mother married the presenter of the TV program “Vzglyad” of journalist Vladimir Mukusev, and soon the half-sister Daria was born to the girl. Elizaveta’s great-grandfather was the famous Soviet composer, People’s Artist of the RSFSR Konstantin Yakovlevich Listov, who composed music for such popular songs in the Soviet era as “Sevastopol Waltz”, “In the Dugout”, “In the Park of Chair”, “Dumka”, etc.


Studying at the institute and coming to television

After leaving school, Lisa decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and entered the GITIS Theater Department, which she graduated in 1994. The head of the Listova Institute was a well-known theater expert and theater critic Natalya Anatolyevna Krymova. Studying in her last year, the girl got a job in the magazine "Art of Cinema", where she met with the director and publicist Peter Shepotinnik. It was he who invited Elizabeth Listova to television. In 1994, she began working as a correspondent in the new author’s television program Shepotinnik's “Kineskop”, dedicated to domestic and world cinema. The broadcast, aired on TV-6, was the first step for Elizabeth in her journalistic career. Having come into contact with correspondent activities, Listova realized that she wants to continue to do it.


Partnership with NTV

In 1995, came to the NTV metropolitan channel Elizaveta Listova. The biography of the journalist of this period is connected with her collaboration with the popular program of Leonid Parfyonov “The other day. Non-political news. " After 2 years, Listova was taken as a correspondent in the news programs "Today" and "Results". The young journalist covered cultural news, later she was instructed to make a series of reports on the Black Sea Fleet. Having worked on NTV until April 2001, Listova was forced to leave the channel with her colleagues in connection with a change in his leadership.

Leading news career

The young journalist did not have to sit idle for a long time, already in June 2001 she was approved as a TV presenter of the daytime news on TV-6. The live work was in many ways different from what Lisa had to do before this time, so she had to make a lot of efforts in order to learn a new kind of activity. Listova easily succeeded, and soon she turned into a star of the blue screen, which they began to recognize on the street. In the summer of 2002, the presenter began to cover daytime news on the newly created TVS channel. Unfortunately, it lasted only a year, and after its closure, Listova was forced to look for a new job. In the early summer of 2003, fate brought her to the Russia TV channel. From that moment on, Elizabeth Leonidovna was to discover another talent in herself.


Work as a documentary filmmaker

The television channel’s leadership has long nurtured the idea of ​​creating a series of documentaries about the history of Russia during its stay in the USSR. Listova was offered to become the author of this project. The correspondent, who did not have experience in creating documentaries, was not afraid of responsibility and agreed. Work on the cycle began in the fall of 2003 and completely absorbed Listova. At first, its co-author was Alexei Kundulukov, whom she had known since working with Parfyonov. The project was decided to give the name "Soviet Empire". Within its framework, over 6 and a half years, 11 documentaries were created that told the audience about the symbols of the communist era.

In the spring of 2004, the first film of the cycle appeared on the Russian television channel - “Hotel Moscow”, dedicated to the history of the construction of the capital's proletarian hotel, designed for a thousand guests. The film turned out to be unusually colorful and filled with previously unknown facts. It was made using split screens and computer graphics. The story in the frame was personally led by Elizabeth Listova. The “Soviet Empire” got a great start, and the audience began to look forward with interest to the release of the next films of the cycle. Subsequently, films were released under the name “Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station”, “High-Rise”, “Motherland”, “Channels”, “Sochi”, “Ostankino”, “Icebreaker”, “Metro”, “Khrushchevka”, “People’s Car”. The cycle has become an expensive megaproject using previously classified information, rare chronicles, virtual reconstructions and expert comments.


The success of film works

Once every few months aired a new series of “Soviet Empire” by Elizabeth Listova. Films created by the journalist and TV presenter caused heated discussion in the society, because they covered topics that no one had developed before. To collect the necessary information, Listova and her assistants had to spend a lot of time in the archives, study long-forgotten documents, understand building codes and rules. All this routine took a lot of time, but the result of this work was amazing: each series of the documentary cycle collected millions of viewers from the screen, and Liszt began to be treated as a professional with a capital letter.

Further career

In parallel with work on the “Soviet Empire”, Listova Elizaveta Leonidovna made reports for the weekly informational and analytical television program “Vesti Nedeli”. In 2010, the journalist and TV presenter returned to NTV, where she worked as a correspondent for Vadim Takmenev’s program “Central Television” and the author of the documentary “Profession - Reporter”. In addition, Listova creates her own documentaries. In 2016, she presented the Sevastopol Waltz film, which tells about the heroic defense of Sevastopol from the Germans during the Great Patriotic War, to the court of television viewers. Elizabeth Leonidovna named the film in honor of the eponymous song of her famous great-grandfather-composer.


The personal life of the correspondent

Having started working as a TV presenter in news programs, she began to attract increased attention to her person Elizaveta Listova. The family and personal life of the TV presenter interest Russian viewers no less than her professional career. Listova is reluctant to give interviews, does not take part in public events and does not end up in scandalous situations, so her name is difficult to meet in a socialite. Nevertheless, some information about the personal life of the journalist and the presenter falls into the media.

In 2004, Listova married the famous Russian correspondent Yevgeny Revenko. She met her husband when she worked as a journalist in the Parthenian program “The Other Day”. For many years, young people were just friends and work colleagues. The romance between them broke out at a time when Listova, after the closure of the TVS, came to the Russia TV channel and started creating the documentary series “The Soviet Empire”. This time in Elizabeth’s life was very difficult, because she had to master a previously unfamiliar activity for her, and Eugene became a reliable support for her. In 2005, a young daughter, Vera, was born to young spouses. After the birth of the child, Listova did not sit on maternity leave for a long time and very quickly returned to work in order to continue creating documentary cycles. To the surprise of colleagues and spectators, Elizabeth successfully managed to combine a career with raising a small child. Her films were aired strictly according to the previously scheduled schedule.
