
Zhenya Milkovsky: biography, creative activity and personal life

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Zhenya Milkovsky: biography, creative activity and personal life
Zhenya Milkovsky: biography, creative activity and personal life

The Nerves music group, playing music in the style of alternative rock, is quite popular - now tens of thousands of fans gather at its concerts. When it comes to such famous bands, it always becomes interesting - where did it all begin? Specifically, the group "Nerves" - with a solo project by Zhenya Milkovsky. The biography and the path to success of this charismatic artist is of particular interest, so it’s worth considering them now in more detail.


Before I became famous

If you tell a biography of Zhenya Milkovsky, then you should start with his birth. Eugene was born on May 19, 1991 in the Ukrainian city of Krasnoarmeysk (Donetsk region), which is now called Pokrovsk.

The family of Zhenya Milkovsky directly contributed to the development of his gift. After all, his mother is a talented pianist and music teacher. From early childhood, even before entering school, Eugene began to sing, play the piano and even take part in various city competitions, in most cases winning them.

In his youth, the aspiring artist performed in costumes and performed exclusively classics. But at one point he changes his style. He begins to get involved in skateboarding and parkour, takes guitar lessons from his uncle, and then completely tries himself in writing songs and music. Actually, this was the beginning of the life that Zhenya lives now.


Further way

The biography of Zhenya Milkovsky contains many interesting facts. It is impossible not to mention that the guy was a participant in the first season of the Ukrainian reality show Factory Zirok, which gave him popularity. In parallel, the guy studied at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts at the faculty of directing.

What about his solo work? The first songs that saw the light were songs called “Yes or” and “Fog Station”. In 2009, they have already shot videos. In the same year, by the way, a joint track was recorded with the groups "Carats" and Marselle called "Faces", as well as a clip for it.

The first album, which included these and other debut songs of Eugene, is called "In My Room". He instantly found success. But there were no more solo albums, since the project of Eugene was transformed into the group "Nerves".


About the creative process

Considering the biography of Zhenya Milkovsky, it is also worth briefly telling about how and with what the artist is inspired. In one of his long-standing interviews, the musician said - millions of thoughts swarm in his head 24 hours a day, which he expresses in verse. Mysterious strangers in public transport, comics about the X-Men, noisy parties with friends inspire their creation.

But most of the stories Zhenya told in the songs actually actually happened to him. Take, for example, the composition “The Watchman”. The artist wrote this song after one day he was late to the hostel, which had been his home for more than a month, and almost stayed overnight on the street, as the stern lady at the checkpoint did not want to let him in.

There is one more nuance that should be touched upon by discussing the biography of Zhenya Milkovsky. The family inspired him to study music, and he, in turn, decided to try his hand at journalism.

Eugene created his own online broadcast called “Fog Station”. In it, he talked about the intrigues of the highest-rated show in Ukraine (about the notorious “Star Factory”), about life in the “Star House”, and also invited guests. One of them was Lera Kozlova, a former member of Ranetok and a close friend of Zhenya. The program quickly became popular, and Zhenya was immediately invited to broadcast the most romantic station in Russia - Love Radio, which became a new round of his success.
