
The influence of the sun on man: solar radiation, benefits, harms and consequences

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The influence of the sun on man: solar radiation, benefits, harms and consequences
The influence of the sun on man: solar radiation, benefits, harms and consequences

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The sun is the largest visible object in the sky. Since ancient times, it has been shrouded in a halo of mysticism. He was worshiped and brought gifts, hoping for his favor. With the advent of the technical era, people have learned that this is just a hot gas ball that warms our planet. However, this does not reduce the influence of the Sun on man and his life.

Life giving star

The sun is a star that belongs to the class of yellow dwarfs. Like the planets of the solar system, it rotates around its own axis. Since the Sun is not a solid object, but gaseous, its rotation speed is heterogeneous: at the equator, it equals 25 Earth days, and at a latitude of 75 degrees - more than 30 days. The sun has its own orbit, which passes around the center of the galaxy, and one revolution is 240 million years.

The huge gravitational force of this object causes hydrogen - the gas that the star’s body consists of — to compress in the bowels to the state when thermonuclear reactions begin, and hydrogen turns into helium. Nuclear reactions inside warm up the center to 16 million degrees. This energy, rising outside, gradually cools to 5780 K.


In the corona of the sun, the temperature rises sharply to 2 million degrees. It is the corona that creates the visible spectrum of sunlight. The power of radiation from the surface of the star is 63.300 kW per m 2. 1376 watts reaches the upper part of the earth's atmosphere, provided that the sun's rays are directed perpendicularly.

11-year cycles of solar activity lead to the appearance of spots, flares and prominences on the surface. During these periods, magnetic anomalies occur on Earth, and seismic activity rises. The negative influence of the Sun on the Earth and people is increasing.

The value of the sun in astrology

In man’s horoscope, the sun is of key importance. The psychotype of a person depends on its location in the zodiac signs. Such qualities as generosity, generosity, energy, the desire to live for the benefit of others - a manifestation of the solar nature. There are provisions in which the Sun manifests itself most fully.

Leo is a zodiac sign in which the Sun reaches the peak of its power, giving a person a tendency to serve society, leadership. But also among the Lions you can meet terry egoists, in which the solar power showed its wrong side - the desire to command others.

Aries is the place of exaltation of the Sun. People born under this sign have innate leadership qualities and stubbornness. They know what they want from life and have a strong motivation to achieve their goals. Ambition is one of the qualities that accurately describe Aries.

The influence of the sun on the fate of man

All are born with a certain combination of planetary position in the natal chart. It reflects the human psychotype, as well as the lessons that have to go through life.

Knowing the position of the planets in the horoscope, a person abandons high expectations in relation to himself and his family. Conversely, understanding your strengths helps to more fully reveal the potential inherent in nature.


The influence of the sun and moon on man is paramount. The moon is an indicator of the human mind. How stable the psyche of a person depends on her position, she is also a signifier of a person’s relationship with his mother.

The sun shows in the map the relationship with the father and is an indicator of the soul, its true aspirations.

The weak position of the Sun in the map indicates that a person will not have his own opinion and authority among those around him. He will have low self-esteem.

Naturally, in the absence of solar qualities, one should not hope for success in self-realization. Therefore, the key to success in development will be the conscious cultivation of generosity, kindness, the desire to live for others, as well as a sincere desire to comprehend your own nature.

The sun and health in terms of astrology

Vedic astrology, when making a conclusion about health, considers the position of the daylight along with other indicators. If the influence of the Sun on a person is bad, then he will have the following health problems:

  1. Increased or vice versa low blood pressure.
  2. Heart diseases.
  3. Early baldness.
  4. Weak bones.
  5. High irritability
  6. Headaches and epilepsy.
  7. Vision problems.

The effect of the sun on a particular person can be determined by his appearance. The beneficial effect will manifest itself as:

  • strong physique;
  • physical strength;
  • large forehead;
  • golden or dark hair;
  • wide chest.

If the influence of the Sun on a person is negative, he will have the following appearance:

  • asthenic physique;
  • rare blond hair;
  • slouch;
  • low immunity.

Of course, not only the Sun affects how a person looks. Any planet that is the owner of the first house in the horoscope or is in it leaves its mark on the exterior.

Medicine about the Sun

Lack of solar radiation affects a positive attitude. Everyone noticed that if there is not enough sunlight, then the mood becomes dull, joy disappears. From ancient times, weakened patients were prescribed to be more in the fresh air, taking sun baths.

The spectrum of sunlight is harmful to pathogens of serious diseases, such as tuberculosis.


The influence of the sun on human growth can be twofold. Vitamin D deficiency caused by a lack of sunlight can delay development of children and lead to rickets. An excess of solar radiation is also detrimental to the body. You may notice that people living in hot countries are not very tall.

Negative effect on the body

The Earth’s biosphere is protected by the ozone layer from the damaging effects of solar radiation. Recent decades, scientists around the world have been sounding the alarm associated with its decrease. An increase in solar radiation at the surface of the Earth has a devastating effect on human skin.

In addition to the early appearance of wrinkles, excess ultraviolet radiation can cause cancer. At risk are people with fair skin. Therefore, they are recommended to sunbathe to a minimum, in the early morning or evening hours. It is necessary to protect not only the skin, but also the retina, which can also suffer from an excess of radiant energy.


Cheap glasses only create the appearance of protection. In addition to darkening, they should reduce the ultraviolet - a spectrum invisible to the eyes.

How the sun affects life expectancy

According to science fiction writers, the process of evolution on the planet occurs under the influence of solar radiation penetrating through the ozone layer. What do scientists think about this?

In 2007, the results of the work of scientists of the Psybernetics Research Group were published. They studied the influence of the sun on people's lives. For 29 years, they examined more than 300 thousand inhabitants of the state of Maine.


It turned out that people born during the peak solar activity, within the 11-year cycle, had a lower life expectancy. In addition, they had a great susceptibility to disease.

The study led to the conclusion that bursts of solar activity adversely affect human health.

Historical Events and the Sun

The famous Russian physicist A. L. Chizhevsky was studying the influence of the activity of the Sun on man, including historical events. He investigated the dependence of geopolitical events on solar cycles. The scientist found that the 11-year cycle in its intensity is divided into 4 stages. He also found that the peaks of human excitability coincided with the peaks of maximum solar activity. After examining the 500-year history of various countries, he concluded that revolutions, wars, mass epidemics are directly related to the influence of the sun on man.


Chizhevsky wrote: “An astronomer reading the history of cholera is involuntarily surprised by the fact that the periods of solar storms well known to him cause such catastrophic disasters and, on the contrary, the years of solar reassurance free mankind from fear of this uncharted and indestructible enemy.”

The dependence of the psyche on solar activity

It turns out that excess solar energy can lead not only to the occurrence of malignant tumors, but also affect the mental state. It was previously noted that the lack of influence of the Sun on the human body leads to depressive states. Lack of light in pregnant women can provoke the likelihood of developing mental disorders in unborn children.

A study of the dependence of mental disorders on solar activity has revealed that exacerbation of diseases occurs during periods of solar storms. Scientists attribute this to a significant emission of ultraviolet radiation, the level of which increases by 300% during these periods.

Over the past 55 years, the number of solar storms has increased. You can also notice that the tension in society has also increased. Tolerance among people is becoming less and less. Mental abnormalities are gradually becoming the norm.

Geomagnetic storms and suicides

The surface of our planet is protected from solar flares by the ionosphere. During the passage of the solar wind through it, a magnetic pulsation occurs, enveloping the Earth. But it happens that solar flares are so strong that a magnetic storm occurs in the ionosphere. At this time, many feel headaches, malaise, weakness.


Russian scientist Oleg Shumilov published a study on the dependence of the number of suicides on magnetic storms. An analysis of the geomagnetic situation was presented, starting from the second half of the last century. Peaks of activity coincided with peaks of suicide. Statistics were given for the city of Kirovsk, located in the Murmansk region.

Shumilov does not insist that the cause of suicide is associated only with geomagnetic storms, but he believes that the influence of the geomagnetic factor has been little studied.