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Truly wise words: He who reads a lot knows that much!

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Truly wise words: He who reads a lot knows that much!
Truly wise words: He who reads a lot knows that much!

Video: Real Way to ACTUALLY Increase Your IQ 2024, June

Video: Real Way to ACTUALLY Increase Your IQ 2024, June

At all times, knowledgeable people have understood (this is happening now) that who reads a lot knows a lot … And this is incredibly useful for the brain to work - the process itself promotes the development of attentiveness and concentration.

And reading is useful for learning something new and important for life, for creative work, as well as everything related to professional activity.


Folk wisdom, as always, is insightful …

A long time ago such a wise phrase was invented and composed by the people, clearly and simply speaking, perfectly testifying to the importance and usefulness of reading for any person. And for a child, and for a teenager, and for an adult! And it sounds like this: "He who reads a lot knows that much." A proverb folded by the people is truly wise. Because there is nothing more valuable than knowledge - real, living, sometimes even saving lives and protecting from all sorts of problems …

As before, and now, reading is a person’s precious habit. And it’s a pity that not all people possess such a thing - perhaps a third, at best, half of the world's inhabitants. But only he knows a lot, who reads a lot.

Knowledge is Light

Researchers and psychologists studying the lives of an individual, a circle of people, even a generation and a nation, in general, have noted that many problems are caused precisely by a lack of knowledge.

It is not unfortunate that this sounds, but many families do not break up because "love is gone" or "did not agree on the characters." This happens more often from the fact that the man and woman simply do not know the characteristics of the characters of the opposite sex and do not take into account the needs of their partner coming from this. And, as a result, they don’t know, they don’t know how to build relationships with each other correctly. It’s difficult for them to make contact. But there is so much information about this! Who reads a lot, he knows a lot …
