
Who is David Mendel

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Who is David Mendel
Who is David Mendel

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Video: Mendelian Genetics and Punnett Squares 2024, July

Few people today have not heard the name - Dmitry Medvedev. First of all, this is a faithful ally and assistant to Putin himself Vladimir. But studying the biography of Medvedev, amazing facts are revealed. It is proved that the famous politician is a purebred Jew and his real name is Mendel David Aaronovich.

Medvedev or Mendel?

If you dig into the roots, then Dmitry's mother, Julia Veniaminovna, was born in a family of 100% of Jews, thus, in Jewish families, the child’s nationality is determined by the mother’s affiliation. Also a purebred Jewess is Dmitry's wife, who bears the name of Svetlana. Before her marriage, she was an ordinary teacher at a pedagogical institute.

Many national publications write about Dmitry Medvedev’s nationality. First of all, these are Israeli newspapers and blogs. Very actively discussed maiden name of Svetlana Medvedeva. The girl bore the surname Linnik, which also proves her Jewish roots. An article was published on this subject in the journal "Yediot Ahronot", where all sides of the president of Russia were disclosed. The author prophesies to Medvedev this role, and is not entirely happy about his nationality. The article, of course, made a splash and significantly raised the rating of the publisher itself.

general information


David Aaronovich Mendel (according to his passport Dmitry Medvedev) has served as President of Russia since May 2008. After his reign, Mr. V. Putin took over. In 2005, Medvedev got the post of chairman of the consultation of the heads of Gazprom. He is also the curator of the council, with the help of which there is a rehabilitation of all folk traditions and national projects.

The first-rate government adviser is David Mendel. Photos, biographies, achievements of the politician will be presented in this article. He also heads the committee of the association of legal advisers of the Russian Federation. Mr. Medvedev is a candidate of law, as well as an honorary doctor of one of the law schools in the glorious city of St. Petersburg.

Spring 2008 will forever remain in the memory of Medvedev. From this period began his active political career as president of Russia. What other interesting facts of his life will David Aaronovich Mendel share with his readers?



D.A. Medvedev was born on September 14, 1965 in the glorious city of St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad). In 1987, Dmitry graduated from the Faculty of Law, and in 1980 graduate school was graduated. The study was successful, Dmitry tried to get all the necessary knowledge to realize his ambitions. During his studies, the future president tried to earn money, so he got a job as an assistant at his own university. In 1990, David Mendel (better known as Dmitry Medvedev) successfully defended his own candidacy.

Meet Putin


In June 1990, Medvedev joined the structure of the group, which included Lensovet aides. The leader of the group was A. Sobchak. It is this man who is the father of one of the currently known secular lionesses Ksenia Sobchak.

In those years, this council included another important person, none other than Vladimir Putin himself. It was here that Medvedev met his future ally. For 5 years, Medvedev worked as a lawyer. Putin at that time headed the council on foreign relations with the mayor's office of St. Petersburg. In 1994, Mr. Vladimir Putin became deputy mayor of the city, and therefore Medvedev (Mendel David Aaronovich) was promoted to a personal adviser.

First steps in a career


From 1990 to 1999, Dmitry was engaged in teaching activities. He lectured at the Law Faculty of Leningrad State University, held the post of associate professor of the department of civil authority. In addition to teaching at the university, Medvedev also led private legal activities, doing additional part-time jobs.

In early 1990, he became one of the leaders of a government-level firm called Uranus. In 1994, having teamed up with his former classmates, Medvedev organized the company Balfort Consulting Firm CJSC. In the nineties, David Mendel was an employee of an insurance company, but he did not stay in this position.



In 1993, Dmitry Medvedev's career went uphill, he began to work as director of law at the timber industry company Ilm Pulp Enterprise. In the same year he was lucky to become one of the managers of Finzell. Already in 1998, Mr. D. Medvedev had to join the management of the company Bratsk Timber Industry Complex OJSC. But for unknown reasons, in 1999, he had to leave the post of director and leave the board of Finzell.

However, according to certain publications and other sources, there is still a reason for such changes. It was at this time that strict control over projects arose, and this affected the positions of Medvedev.

Soon V. Putin received the long-awaited post of prime minister. In the autumn period of 1999, he decided to recommend Dmitry Medvedev to the deputy manager.

Medvedev - First Aide to Russian President Putin

On New Year's Eve of the 99th year, V. Putin began to fulfill the direct duties of the president of the Russian state. First of all, he decided to appoint Medvedev the deputy manager of the presidential administration. And already in 2000, Medvedev was able to successfully lead the campaign headquarters of Putin himself. After a successful election, Putin decides to give Dmitry Medvedev a new responsibility and appoints him first deputy managing director of the presidential administration. In addition, the year 2000 was successful for Medvedev in terms of the chairmanship of Gazprom.

The spring of 2001 is marked by the head of one of the special forces for the liberalization of the stock market. In the summer of that year, he decided to nobly give up his position at Gazprom. Thus, Ram Vyakhirev became the chairman, and before that, Ram was forced to resign as chairman of the board.

New posts

In 2002, Vyakhirev decided to leave his post, and subsequently David Aaronovich Mendel was again selected for the post. The biography of the famous politician is full of events related to the transition from one post to another.

At the end of October 2003, D. Medvedev again transferred to a new service, namely, to become the managing power of the President of the Russian Federation. The previous leader decided to leave his post and resign. In November 2003, Medvedev was included in the structure of the Advisory Defense of the Russian Federation.

In March 2004, there were massive personnel changes in the presidential administration, so Medvedev again received a new position in the leadership of the presidential apparatus. In his submission there were only two deputies, instead of four. The rest were transferred to the status of presidential assistants of the country.

October 25, 2005. Medvedev again receives a new position. Now he oversees the council for the implementation of national projects, he fulfills these obligations to this day. Thanks to his post, Medvedev significantly increased his own rating, because this direction in politics is quite prestigious.

Already on November 14, 2005, Dmitry was presented as the first deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation. In May, Medvedev was able to stand at the head of the television and radio broadcasting commission. In July 2006, the future president of Russia created a public committee with Mr. Surkov. Also other ministers and important persons entered this organization. This organization was criticized in an interview with a magazine called Expert.

One way or another, the committee has an active policy and is trying to work with the president of the country. In addition, this organization was able to strengthen the position of Vladimir Putin.

In the fall of 2008, a certain experiment was conducted during which a survey was conducted regarding the popularity of political leaders. It is interesting that it was Medvedev who managed to get about 30 percent of the votes.

On the way to the presidency


09/12/07 Dmitry Medvedev successfully took the post of interim acting first deputy prime minister. Such changes occurred due to the fact that Mikhail Fradkov appealed to the president of the country with a request for the resignation of his cabinet in full force. This request was granted, so Medvedev took over the post. After some time, Medvedev was left on the post of First Deputy Prime Minister on an ongoing basis, which gave him new opportunities and career growth.

On December 10, 2007, Medvedev created the United Russia and Fair Russia parties, after which his persona was nominated as a candidate for the post of leader of the Russian Federation. Naturally, Putin’s support could not be avoided here. If Medvedev (David Mendel) wins his the turn promised to leave Putin as prime minister, of course, Vladimir Vladimirovich accepted such conditions.

On January 20, 2008, Medvedev formally fixed his own candidacy for the presidential election, which was scheduled for March 2, 2008. Dmitry won and with great joy took his new position. At his post, Medvedev faithfully carried out the functions of the head of the country, but for the second term lost his position to Putin.

In other areas, Medvedev is very popular with his own scientific works. His work in the field of jurisprudence is especially valuable.

Personal life


As already mentioned, Dmitry Medvedev has a wife. Their union is very strong, thanks to such strong feelings in the marriage, the son of Ilya was born. The boy was born in 1996.