
Why the sky is blue? How to answer a children's question to an adult

Why the sky is blue? How to answer a children's question to an adult
Why the sky is blue? How to answer a children's question to an adult

Video: Why is the Sky Blue? | Don't Memorise 2024, July

Video: Why is the Sky Blue? | Don't Memorise 2024, July

Why the sky is blue? You often hear this question when you walk along a street on a clear day, holding your child’s hand. And at one point, raising his head to the sky, and becoming interested in the blueness of the palette with rare strokes of clouds on it, the baby pulls your sleeve and asks his unique question: “Dad / mom, why is the sky blue?” You look at the sky and realize that there is no answer written. And it turns out that you have nothing to say to your baby. But it is necessary.

In this regard, this article was written. It brings parents and children closer to a simple understanding of what is above us, what exactly creates a blue border around our world, which we call the sky.


So what is a blue sky above all? Start with the fact that the sky is blue - it’s just air, similar to the one that surrounds us below, only it is above, and there are more of it. The child will immediately understand this explanation, and perhaps he will think about your answer before continuing with his explanation.

The sky is blue everywhere and everywhere. Only, depending on the place, can differ in the degree of blueness. You noticed that on a clear day the sun comes out, providing light and warmth. The sun is largely a guarantee of a good mood, and perhaps because of it, you decided to take a break from everyday work and unwind with your curious baby.


So, the main reason why the sky is blue is precisely in the sun's rays, in its unique interaction with air. The sun, illuminating the earth with its bright rays, finds an obstacle in the form of a layer of air that "envelops" our planet from all sides. It is through this air that he has to “break through” to provide us with his warmth. In the sunbeam itself, the entire spectrum of colors is initially laid down, from red to purple. All colors of the rainbow are placed in the sunbeam! And it is at the very moment when this ray of the sun passes through an accumulation of air that the sky turns into the coveted blue color. A sunbeam is like an artist’s brush, which “splashes” a light canvas with its colors. As a result of this "spraying" there is only one color. And this color owns our sky. So why is the sky blue? Because the blue color is the most expressive of all that fall into the sky. The blue of the sky is in many ways a unique phenomenon of nature, which provides us with a great mood and a sense of freedom and clarity. It is these properties that blue has. It lifts the mood and in no case does not put pressure on a person.


From this answer, your child will smile a happy smile. He will say it with not quite expressive words that it is beautiful, and, perhaps, will kiss you for such an answer when you pick it up. Your every answer to this kind of problem, be it the question "Why is the sky blue?" or “What is life?”, contributes to the fact that the child learns and learns the laws of life, according to which he will later have to exist. The child's consciousness should not be distorted by false fabrications. Your answers should be as simple and clear as possible, then the child will always be grateful to you.