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Combined assault body armor 6B43

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Combined assault body armor 6B43
Combined assault body armor 6B43

Video: Escape From Tarkov - Body Armor Explained in 15 Minutes 2024, June

Video: Escape From Tarkov - Body Armor Explained in 15 Minutes 2024, June

An assault bulletproof vest (abbreviated as BZ) is a means of individual protection of personnel of ground units, marines, airborne forces, special forces during combat operations.

History reference

In the Middle Ages, plate armor provided protection for the warrior. Closer to the XVII century, blacksmiths were able to bring armor to a new level. Now the cuirass was protecting a person from a pistol bullet and even a heavy musket, if the shot was not fired at point blank range. However, at that time, the low level of technology did not allow the mass production of such armor.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, only French, German and Russian troops could boast of the most bulletproof cuirasses. With the onset of the 1900s. armor received a new round in its many years of evolution. Military engineer A. Chemerzin in 1905 presented to the court a 5-pound shell of metal inserts that could even withstand a shot from a gun from two meters. Soon, prototypes of body armor arrived on the balance of the Moscow and Moscow police.


During World War I, Russian infantrymen used a metal cuirass with wire felt bibs to protect them. In turn, the British had their own DDSBA vest made of a special brigantine. Much heavier and more expensive were the BBS armor of the American army. A helmet was also included in the kit for the whole cuirass. The first similar to modern body armor appeared only in the late 1920s. in America. They were made of metal plates fastened with woolen cloth.

In the early 1950s, the development of a new generation of BZ for wide production was taken up by engineers of the USSR and the USA. The first to succeed were the Americans, who discovered the high-strength properties of nylon and nylon. It is these materials that formed the basis of the M1952 vests. The Russian answer - 6B2 - did not differ in quality.

The new and decisive stage in the development of body armor was 1991. In the fighting in the Persian Gulf, lightweight BZs were successfully tried. Subsequently, based on them, the Americans created the famous NGBAS. In 2007, US engineers upgraded the model to IOTV, which increases the area of ​​protection. In Russia, the production of 6B series vests continued. Every year, this BZ was becoming safer and more comfortable.

Description of bulletproof vest 6B43

By order of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2010, the army received a new variation of the combined-arms protective equipment. The bulletproof vest 6B43 (see photo below) has improved technical and tactical characteristics, which is why it is ideal for assault units. The production of this personal protective equipment is carried out by NPF Tekhinkom.


The combined-arms assault body armor 6B43 belongs to class 6A. This is the highest defense tool that only a couple of dozen countries in the world can boast. The vest is ideal for close combat, so it is widely used in land and sea operations. BZH 6B43 protects against defeat as armor-piercing bullets, as well as fragments of grenades, mines and other explosive shells. In addition, it is impossible to pierce melee weapons.

6B43 can be used in any climatic zone, as it is able to maintain strength in the temperature range from –50 ° C to +50 ° C. Neither atmospheric precipitation nor combustible materials affect the protective properties of body armor. When in contact with hard ground, the modules are not wiped.

Characteristics 6B43

The design of body armor provides for adaptation to any conditions of warfare. It protects all vital organs, makes it possible to place most of the elements of equipment in removable modules. In 6B43, you can quickly change the level of height and girth of the body.

The mass of such a BZ in its pure form (without additional equipment in the modules) is about 5 kg. In total, the 6B43 body armor can withstand up to 10 kg of ammunition in pouches. The total area of ​​protection against bullets is up to 30 square meters. dm, from fragments - up to 68.5 square meters. dm.


It is worth noting that the integrated panels of composite and ceramic materials provide full circular protection against gunshots at a distance of 10 to 300 m.

Also, the design provides the ability to instantly reset the BZ. For increased ergonomics and improved overall performance in the winter, you can use a vest without cushioning modules. This will allow you to discreetly wear armor under a jacket or coat. Ventilation pouches can be safely placed in pockets or a small luggage.

Design Features 6B43

The bulletproof vest 6B43 is designed according to the modular principle. It is produced in two trim levels: basic and advanced.

The first includes anti-shatter, unified and cushioning modules. Its total weight can reach up to 9 kg. The anti-splinter module covers an area of ​​47 square meters. dm, protecting the neck and torso. Unified and cushioned armor panels prevent injuries in the chest and back.


The bulletproof vest 6B43 extended configuration includes 6 types of modules. Its total weight is 15 kg. The kit includes lateral, inguinal ballistic and bulletproof, shoulder, dorsal, shock absorbing modules.

A lightweight version of the vest eliminates some of the protection levels. The weight of this BZ is 4.5 kg. It protects mainly from fragments.

At the moment, 6B43 are available in three sizes. In peacetime, the BZ should be stored in a special case made of wear-resistant material.


Test results

The 6B43 assault bulletproof vest is able to withstand tight shelling in frosts of -50 degrees. Tests were carried out with weapons of various calibers. Similar results were achieved with shelling in the 50-degree heat.

Exposure 6B43 together with anti-shatter modules in sea and fresh water showed that the BZ is able to maintain its properties even in conditions of high humidity and acidity. The next step was resistance tests. For this, the vest was dropped on a concrete surface separately and together with an 80-pound mannequin. The height of the fall ranged from 1 to 2 meters.

Also, 6B43 successfully passed decontamination and degassing tests.

Expert Reviews

The bulletproof vest 6B43 is designed very competently. This is a joint development of Belarusian and Russian engineers. When creating the vest, only domestic components were used.

One of the main drawbacks of the model is the separate adjustment belts for the "sitting" and "standing" positions. And let them be made as convenient and simple as possible. The fact is that in Belarus still do not produce rubber bands more than 6 cm wide. Therefore, when designing 6B43, it was decided to separate the adjustments to increase their wear resistance.

In general, body armor 6B43 and 6B45 (modernized version) are identical to each other. In the second, a little more space is reserved for additional modules. In terms of protection, 6B43 does not differ from the best foreign models.


The advantages of the vest are a high level of armor, a quick emergency reset (in 2-3 seconds) and relative comfort.