
Akhmetov Damir: biography and photos

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Akhmetov Damir: biography and photos
Akhmetov Damir: biography and photos

Damir Akhmetov is the son of one of the richest people in Ukraine. Already today he is actively involved in his father's business and is one of the most famous young entrepreneurs in this country. The biography of Damir Akhmetov is dedicated to this article.


Dad oligarch

Damir’s father is Akhmetov Rinat. He was born in Mordovia, in a simple mining family. How he managed to earn start-up capital is a mystery. However, this situation is characteristic of the vast majority of post-Soviet oligarchs.

It is believed that in his youth Rinat Leonidovich worked as a forwarder in one of the Donetsk stores, which was managed by the future president of FC Shakhtar A. Bragin.

The only thing known about the activities of Akhmetov Sr. in the 1990s was that he was one of the founders of Dongorbank. In 1995, Rinat became the head of the Shakhtar sports club, which he inherited from his former boss Bragin, who was killed during an explosion at a football stadium. By 2000, he had already founded an empire called System Capital Management, which currently included more than 100 industrial enterprises operating in the telecommunications, energy, metallurgy, and banking sectors.

Due to the difficult political situation and events in the Crimea and in the Donbass, Akhmetov Sr. suffered heavy losses. In particular, he had to close the Yenakiyevo metal plant, Avdeevka coke and chemical plant, the Komsomolets Donbassa mine and the Lugansk TPP. In addition, the oligarch lost control of enterprises located in the Crimea.



Mom Damira Akhmetova - Lilia Nikolaevna (nee Smirnova) was born in 1965. In her youth, she worked as a minder at the Donetsk Rubber Products Plant. Today, a woman holds the post of chairman of the audit committee of SCM, which manages the assets of the largest financial and industrial group in Ukraine. In addition to Damir, the Akhmetovs have another son - Almir, who was born in 1997.

Lilia Akhmetova is the owner of a 10% stake in SCM. She is interested in football and cheers for Shakhtar Donetsk. About 9 years ago, rumors circulated in the press that Rinat Akhmetov was allegedly preparing for a divorce, since he had an affair with a young model. However, the press service of Akhmetov denied this information, saying that he was not going to divorce and loves his wife and his sons.

Damir Akhmetov: biography

The businessman was born on September 9, 1988. At the time when the boy went to school, his father was already one of the richest people in Donetsk.

As a teenager, Damir entered his father’s Shakhtar football school, but was forced to leave it at the insistence of Rinat Akhmetov. On this occasion, the family even had a scandal. Although Lilia Nikolaevna supported her son, the owner of Shakhtar was adamant, as he believed that “you can’t put a coach on the splits”, forcing him to choose between Damir and a really talented and promising footballer.

After these events, he was sent to study in Switzerland, and then the young man continued his education in England, where he received a master's degree. Unlike other “majors, ” Damir, neither abroad nor during the holidays at home, has ever become the hero of a scandalous chronicle. He has an excellent reputation as a prudent and purposeful young man. Moreover, in all the photos of Damir Akhmetov, he looks like a true gentleman, in formal suits and a tie, which give him solidity.


Personal life

Damir Akhmetov married in 2015 the daughter and head of the agricultural holding MKGroup Miodrag Kostic - Diana.

About the novel of young people first spoke in 2011. However, they met long before that, when they studied at the boarding school Le Rosey in Switzerland. Although there were very strict morals and an intensive curriculum, Diana and Damir found time for joint walks.

After graduation, the couple moved to England to continue their education at the University of London. So far, as already mentioned above, the young man was writing a master's thesis at the famous Sir John Cass Business School, Diana received a bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Management.



As soon as his son completed his studies abroad, Rinat Akhmetov decided to introduce him to the business and made him a member of the Supervisory Board of DTEK, the largest energy company in Ukraine. In this regard, the young man was constantly rushing between London and Donetsk, and the wedding had to be postponed. In addition, Diana still continued her studies, and her father demanded that her daughter start creating a family, only after receiving a diploma of higher education.

In 2012, they began to talk about Damir’s romance with the model Evelina Mambetova. Moreover, the beauty did not refute these rumors. Moreover, she hinted that Tatar roots unite her with a young businessman.

But Damir married Diana Kostich. The celebration took place only in March 2015 at the London The Dorchester boutique hotel. As the yellow press reported, the bride’s wedding dress cost about $ 500, 000, it was completely embroidered with Swarovski stones.

After 2 years, a daughter was born to Damir Akhmetov. The child was born in the homeland of his wife - in Belgrade (Serbia). Interestingly, although the child is already six months old, nowhere is it impossible to find information about her name. So it is still unknown what is the name of the first granddaughter of Rinat Akhmetov.


Father in law

Long before the rumors about Damir Akhmetov’s marriage appeared, the well-known matchmaker Roza Syabitova gave an interview in which she said that hundreds of wealthy Muscovites dream of marrying the most enviable groom of Ukraine according to the Focus magazine. However, she predicted that the daughter-in-law of the owner of FC Shakhtar would most likely be a foreigner. True, the matchmaker was mistaken in assuming that Damir would go down the aisle with an aristocrat. Although was Rose wrong? Indeed, the father-in-law of Akhmetov Jr. is the richest man in Serbia and his fortune is estimated at 255 million dollars. Kostych is called the “sugar king”, since he is practically a monopolist in his country. By the way, in the homeland of Damir, his father-in-law has a business - the company Agro Invest Ukraine, engaged in the production of grain crops.